my stylist suggested it. cause it looks like , well so totally punk rawk right?!

Apr 04, 2005 18:36

Ya'll please don't hate me cause I copy everyone else's styles. It's not just me whos doing it! Its my stylist too!!!!!11!! Lyke I totally said that if I try and look and dress like certain respected talented artists, then I will totally have talent and be respected too!!111!! My stylist agreed and she picks out half of my stuff! Stop hatin on just me! hate on her too!!11!
But she agreed that the Olive Oil look is lyke so punk rawk and will be all teh fashion rage if I dressed like her once, cause everyone loves Olive Oil, cause they loved Pop Eye! see:

Anyhow, lets be serious now cause lyke Im totally a serious and origional artist and I wanna have lyke a total serious punk rawk conversation with all of you!!11!
See Lucy has been happy and all since Ryan and I split cause now she doesnt have 2 be in his shadow and she doesnt have to share me with him. But ya'll she totally wants us to be a public couple and my dad would lyke totally freak out if he found out that I dig chicks. But I swear we are totally in luv!11!! Also, I love the cock a lot too and I duno if I can be with just a girl right now with all this penis flyin around my vagina wantin to get in! Puink rawk!
and daddy would be so mad if he found out that I was havin sexors with anyone else!!
I feel really safe talkin to you all about my sex life and that it wont be leaked out into the public or them nasty tabloids and papparazzi peoples.. I mean, when i do any interviews I totally wont talk about my sex life!

Heres daddy leaving my side one early morning recently.. *giggle giggle snort fart*

well I gotta go, busy night ahead!
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