(no subject)

Feb 17, 2005 16:04

So okay, Don't tell anyone but me and Wilmer are like totally doing it, but not dating completly cause were just goin out, having fun, getting high and drunk then havin sex! thats all!
Lindsay would like so beat my fake punk rawk ass if she found out! I really hope she doesnt!
Antywayz Im totally mad at my wilmer right now cause we were doin it in the back of a limo the other N1ght after we were out getting high on ecstacy and drinkin and dancin at the Avalon and he flipped me over and wanted to do it DogGy StyLe and he stopped and I looked at Him and HiS peNiS wasnt HarD anEmore.
I wuz all like WIlmer whatS wrong? He was all Like. I came in your aSs Cause I couldn'T fUck you Anymore tonight because your pussy smells like rotten FisH and olD Cum and RubbEr..
I was like WIlMERZ! I don"T DO ANaL Sexorz! He wuz like couln't you tell? I saidz no prolly not cause my daddy doez me in the bum hole all the time because my music is So bad itz punishment for punishing the world wIth My bad voice!
I havn't takEN a shower yet today and me and daddy were togeTHer all day.

Willmerkicked me out of the Limo half DresSed and I was all like whatEverz hes just jealous. and he called me a freak when he spun away in his car. *rollzeyez* I called Ryan to cum get me he was at another club in the city.

So im also like totally buggin now because the Pres. of Geffen told my bandmates they HAVE to sing the chorus as backup to all of my Songz because I pretty much still sound like shit and I can't hit most of the notes to my songs.. It also helped that we went back and lowered the tone to a lotz of my songs so they arent as HigH anymore.

We're still having a hard time selling a lot of My ticketZ for my tour. :( I havn't sold out one show that has tickets on sale yet and thats pretty much all of them.

*Criez* be back laterz.
time to BIngE!
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