May 13, 2004 21:46
...Don't Ask Why (blurry_dreamz) wrote,
@ 2004-05-12 21:09:00
Current mood: amused
Current music: Chi,Korn
Mike Rox My Sox
Mike is so cool and i just wanted to put this...
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:49:29 PM): cindy is the coolest of cool
Auto response from SkiRacingFrK220 (8:49:29 PM): shower
fucking hw
bb in 20? ill get kicked but leave a message:-)
freezing feeling breathe in breathe in im coming back again...
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:49:44 PM): the izzle im my manizzle
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:49:58 PM): the lucky in my charms
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:51:12 PM): the pop in my lolipop
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:52:42 PM): the xxx in my sexxxy
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:53:15 PM): the park in my spark
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:53:57 PM): the all in my ball
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:54:38 PM): the upid in my stupid
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:54:57 PM): the ool in my cool
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:57:56 PM): the eet in my sweet
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:57:56 PM): the ick in my sick
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:57:56 PM): the uv in my luv
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:57:56 PM): the pink in my pink elephant
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:57:56 PM): the swing in my jazz
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:57:56 PM): the skill in my soccer
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:58:01 PM): the best of all the rest
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:59:03 PM): the sweetest of the sweet
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:59:08 PM): the sickest of the sick
SoCeRkEpR777 (8:59:12 PM): the better of the best
SoCeRkEpR777 (9:03:28 PM): the lucky of the ducky
SoCeRkEpR777 (9:04:29 PM): the indy in my cindy
he is 1 kick ass kid;-)
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2004-05-13 14:56 (link)
mike is such an ass, i cant believe you like him
p.s.- everyone hates you mike (except cindy)
(Reply to this) (Thread)
2004-05-13 15:05 (link)
um...fuck you:-)
not every1 hates Mike and no hes not an ass, yea he says means things sumtimes but every1 does and um he has a girlfriend which is Cassie so theres 2 ppl that dont hate him,his best friends Jon so theres 3..wants me to keep going?
you know sumthing, your the ass ok? dont comment in my lj and make fun of my friends and if you going to atleast leave you name god..Mike is sucha good friend you cant call him an ass and be serious. hes been there for me through so much stuff and hes alwayz made me feel better so obviously you dont know him or he has a reason to be an ass to you
Michael Sargent you are the best x 986786499
(Reply to this) (Parent)
2004-05-13 17:22 (link)
yea, I agree with Cindy, you obviously definitely don't know Mike so don't even think about dissing him, he's fucken cool and your just a fucken fag so suck it up ass. No one disses Mike without a good true reason, and even still don't diss him cause him and his friends will kick your ass:)
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im glad i have such good friends who prove that not every1 hates me. who eva this kid is he wont b alive 4 2 much longer so if u kno who they r i suggest u say good bye!!!