
Jan 05, 2012 01:06

Being a care aid has been interesting to say the least!! I care for four elderly ladies in various stages of Alzheimer's and other mental incapacities. The hardest part is caring for them without loving them as they will each pass away. J is my favorite, my spunky little firecracker with terminal lung cancer. I can't wait to get my FR3 certs! Kickin ass and fighting fires.

Xmas was good of course I worked steady through it and pulled 16 hour Mondays through the month of December. Being the sole breadwinner ain't easy yo. Took my frustration out in the gym and lost 12lbs. Bonus points: kids used 95% previously used wrapping paper. We had a good one, our first in this house. <3

Adam walks. Slowly. He's started going to the gym for short periods of time. He's mr. Mom! Quit smoking in December. Finally!

Mmm. Indy lost a front tooth and marlin passed his gymnastics level.. Katanna plays a lovely acoustic guitar and Shelbey weighs almost as much as me now. Time flies <3

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

kids, fire, work, via ljapp, adam

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