ASS-key Comix

Dec 18, 2004 00:18

One of my old comic strips. Don't expect regular updates on this as you can see by the dates.

| ASS-key Comix #1 by ASS-key_Artist |
| \_|_|_/ _____________. C cc-c-c- | \_|_|_|_/ / Nah, \ |
| \/ |- /I really need | CcC/---c-c- | / \ | I'm not ||
| -| (.| |something to do| |`,'c-c--c-c | | (. .) | | *THAT* ||
| | c \ |with my time._/` ( c--c | (| u |) |pathetic...||
| | ( --------------' \ j |-c- | \ o / -----\__________/ |
| \ / _________________/__. = -cc- | `. ,' |
| |_| /Why not take up ASCII| `-,_/ | ,-'-`--. |
| / \ `_. comic drawing? / ,-' `_ | /_ _\ |
| \_________________/ | | |SPAM| | 7/8/97 |

| ASS-key Comix #2 by ASS-key_Artist |
| _._._..|You're doing | |What kind of pathetic \ |
| .______/ WHAT?_______/___________________ | hobby is that? ASCII \|
| ./| __ \ ___/Drawing ASCII comics. \__ | artists are the lowest |
| .. c (@))/ | I guess I finally gave in... ) | form of life! How could|
| \ _/ <\_______________________________/ | anyone raise such a /|
| | (_ \_|_|_/ || o || ||-==-| | |\ failure? __________/ |
| \ / \/ | ||`Y' || || o| | | \___ / ____ ____ \ |
| \=====/ -| (.| ||_M__|| ||[] o| | | ,--(@)-(@)--. |
| // |\ | c \ _|______|/ |____|/ | ( _ ) |
| ( | |(/ \ ( /uuuuuu/ / | \ ___ / |
| \ | |/ _____|__| /uuucTT) /7 | | (___) | |
| \| /' |#####\( \--___-/ / - | \ / |
| / Well, uh.. you are my \ | \_`_`_`` Er uh, right... um, carry on. |___/ | |
| ` dad... '| / `\ \____________________________/-==-| | |
| \_\_|_|_|_/____________/ | (@)-. ` / || , || ||-==-| | |
| / \ /`__' | \ ) ` \ \ \ ||(>-<|| || o| | |
| | (. .) | |..| _ | -- ' \_|_|_/ \ \ \ ||____|| ||[] o| | |
| (| u |) >--<---_' | \___/ | \ , `__'______|/ |____|/ |
| \ o / `c__c_/____ | \=====/ |.) |_(___|..|____ / |
| . , /_________/|| / | / )| (___>--< uu/ /7 |
| _,_'_`__. ||||||||||||| || | `_ / \)) \))./u/tap 9/9/97 |

| ASS-key Comix #3 by ASS-key_Artist |
| | Hey, ASCII kid! \oo|| So what? | / I figured if you were |
| \_|_|_|_/ \ It's been a while.|o| \________/ | making a comic strip,|
| / \ `--------..--------'o| \_|_|_/ | you'd need character |
| |( . .)| /|^^|\/ ooo\###| \/ | \______ideas._________/|
| (| | |) o `__' o oo|##| -| (.| \|//--- |
| \ -- / \`-' `-'/ |##| | c \ .----------. / ^ \\\ |
| `. .' `-. .-' |##| | ( < Well... \ < \\\ |
| ,-'-`--. |__| /###| \ / _| like what? > \\\ |
|__/________\_____/___|________/####|___.|_|.__ \___________/________`. |____|
| __ ______ / Like ME! Don't I \ __________ / Go away. |
|| \ ////\/\\\ / have just the CUTEST \ / C'mon, \ | You frighten|
|| || //// \ \\\ / face? Lots of people \ | please???? | \ me. |
| >-< //| /\/\ |\\ - draw their smiley faces | `------. .--' `-----. .--'|
|( \//(| |)\ /\ like me. I'd be a hit! / .-- |/ ._..|/ |
| \ \//| ---- |\\/ \ Come on! Draw me, ME! / //^| |(.| |
| \ \ \`--'/ / /\_____________________/ //\< \< |
| \ `--`--'--' / | nn /'__. /_' |
| \ / 7/27/2000 | =..= `---' \\| |
\_____\____________/______________________^ (__)/___|_'_____________||______/
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