May 11, 2005 23:22
boo hoo
____ _____
` //oo\\ ' /____/|
` /(--)\\ ' |diary||
. \/ \ ||___|||
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( ( --- /::::::/()
( |chi| |`-----' |
() |ps | | |
/__\/__\ |________|
_________________________ _________________________
/ diary_spivak 3/28/2002 \ / diary_spivak 4/ 3/2005 \
|by ASS-key_Artist #1| |by ASS-key_Artist #2|
|-------------------------| |-------------------------|
| I love you | u r teh sux| | f**k you / What's |
| Makonan / \ and I hate| |motherf***ing| with this |
|\_________/ \___ yu0!!!| |s**theads!! | shift-8 |
| | ____ \ \_____/| | | |encryption?|
| \ //oo\\ /..\\ | | | \__________|
| //|--|\\ /\- |\ | |____/ -- / |
| /*\/*\ /\/'\ | | || |o \\ |
| /* * *\ \/\ || | || |- \\ |
| ()* * () / \()| |___/__ /\\\\ \(| |
\___\*__*/__________|_____/ \___|::|____|*_*__*_\|____/
/ Boo hoo hoo, I'll never \ / Everyone knows what \
| see her again. I'm | | they're saying anyway. |
|\__________leaving Lambda| | I shall send this |
|`\ /`oo'\ '\ forever. | | ignoramus an indignant |
|` /`|--|`\ \ *munch* | |\ flame! ______ _______|
| ` /*\/---'' \_ *munch* | | \________> //oo\\ |
| /o *|chi| \________/| | //|--|\\ |
| ()* |ps() | | () /*\/*\ |
\___\*__---_______________/ \_________\_\*_*__*\______/
/ Well, time to log in as \ / STFU N00B. _______ \
| a guest and jerk off _/| |UR TYP1N6 15 / \|
|\ in this coat. ______/ | | T3H SU><0R. | ehehhee |
| \_____________/ _____ | |L0LL3RC4U5T. \_______/|
| \ //oo\\ /____/| | | | | |
| //|<>|\\ |lamb-|| | |____/ -- / |
| /*\/*\_ |daMOO|| | | || |o \\ |
| /* * /\c\ |_____|/) | | || |= \\ |
| ()* * ()cc\ /::::::/() | |___/_ ____ /\\\\ \(| |
\___\*__*/_c||_`-----'____/ \___|: