Relationship meme~! My favorite. If you have interacted with:
Orlando (this journal, duh)
Wilson (
Kyon (
Fakir (
Bourne (
Door (
Tanyuu (
Lyra (
Robert (
Batou (
Comment here with who you are and find out what they think of you!
Bourne: Admires Phoenix. Phoenix is such a good person, and works so hard at helping people and doing the right thing. Phoenix...deserves a lot.
Like the truth.
Though he's going to be kind of nervous around Phoenix for a while yet because he's not quite sure how Phoenix feels about the truth.
...I feel like this should be much longer, but that really seems to sum it up.
Tanyuu: Phoenix is a good man! He seems very kind and considerate, and she has the feeling that he weighs a lot of different options and considers how they would impact people when he's making an important decision. She believes that to be a very important trait, one that she respects and trusts.
Lyra: Phoenix seems like a good man, though somewhat naive. As a professional liar, though, she's a bit wary of him.
Robert: Hey, sanity-buddy! Phoenix believes in the comm a lot more than Robert, obviously, but Robert appreciates that Phoenix is a decent, reasonable guy. He sort of kind of trusts him, which is kind of remarkable.
Now, on Larry~
Tanyuu: Aww, he seems very sweet. She'll think less of him if she finds out that he was the one who pulled the April Fool's prank on Phoenix, though.
Fakir: Worthless. :P
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