Crazy story:
About 12:45 am I wake up in a dead panic. I KNOW I heard foot steps and had the unmistakable feeling that someone was watching me. I literally picked up my phone and dialed 911, but I didn't hit send. Instead I did what I scream at the horror movies NOT to do and went through my house. Turned on every light. Checked the doors to make sure the inside only locks were on and the safety bar on the patio door. I decided it was just a bad dream and turned out the lights, stopping to go potty, and out of my bedroom hops Papi. Looking all proud of his stalker/hiding skills. He ran into the living room, then into the kitchen, jumped on the counter and into my hands, where I put him up.
Apparently when I put him up earlier that night and gave him his dust bath, I didn't properly latch the top and he managed to open the cage. (it latches all the time but I can double lock he can undo the single latch)
I almost called the cops on my chinchilla.
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