I just got done watching NOVA and I'm pissed off beyond belief. (This is a subject that has been bothering me for sometime now.) It was titled "Life and Death in the War Zone" and was about, if you haven't guessed, military medical hospitals (aka C.S.H.) in the war zone. However, it was not the subject matter nor was it the presentation of any particular viewpoint that pissed me off. What angered me so much was what it ended with. A little iraqi girl died from burns and malnutrition just as she was being prepared to be flown to Michigan to receive the critical treatment she needed. And what fucking pisses me off, o yeah i'm seriously ready to destroy something, is that she died for NOTHING. You can go ahead and blame Pres. Bush for us being there, Al-Qaeda for forcing us to invade Iraq, or Saddam Hussean for pursuing to acquire WMDs, but if you do that your merely missing the whole damn point. Who is to blame for the suffering of this beautiful girl and millions of other innocent children around the world? I'll tell you who is, We are, the so-called adults of this world (with myself included). That little girl's blood is on OUR HANDS. It is us that destroy their innocents. It is us who mold and form their minds to hate, discriminate, and prejudge. It is us that force them to become what we are (Arrogant, Jealous, Insecure, Violent, Selfish, Racist, Abusive, Manipulative, Closed Minded, and just vile). We say that "they have to grow-up sometime" when we expose them to violence and sex(in its crude form). Or "they're gonna hear it sometime" when we swear or tell a racist joke.
Day after day you hear of parents breaking up because they can't stand each other anymore (What about the kid (or kids) that you fuck ups brought into this world). Or of parents beating the shit out of their kids because they are stressed and can't get a hold of their own problems (The day I witness someone abusing their child, will be the day that I'm driven to kill. However, I will then have been successful in further destroying that kid's life). We are our own kids worst enemies, changing their lives day after day for the worst. We have to gain control of ourselves first, before we can address the problems of our kids. And I'm deliberately using 'our'. We must treat every child in this world as our own, to fix the problem that we have created. We must learn to truly love and care for every innocent life we encounter. We must get back to the idea of raising a 'village'.
To me, children represent GOD's attempt to correct the world that we continually fuck up and destroy. Children represent all that is good and beautiful. They represent, all that brings this cold and dark world light. Further, they represent what I strive to be day-in and day-out and what we should all strive to be.
So I'll leave on this note: The day we discover world peace, is the day that we stop fucking up and destroying the innocents of OUR children.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
http://www.bbbsa.org/ "The Big Brothers Big Sisters Vision is successful mentoring relationships for all children who need and want them, contributing to better schools, brighter futures, and stronger communities for all."