A new job in the new year...

Dec 22, 2012 21:08

I've spent the last few months doing small projects for a number of different folks, while trying to come to terms if I wanted to work seriously on a startup. There are many aspects I like about it, most importantly working with really motivated folks and aiming high. But there have been a couple of things giving me pause as well, not the least of which is the constant threat of uncertainty.

Still, I've been quite keen on working with technical people and contributing to a great product. So I'm "chuffed to bits" that I'll be working on the money side of game design in the new year, once a visa comes through for the US. I'd describe myself as a lapsed hardcore gamer, so the social and casual side is somewhat new to me, and full of promise because its bringing gaming to whole new groups of people.

I think the essence of games is fun, and the knack will be making the pay side of your iPad or Facebook games add to the fun, not detract from it. Definitely something of a juggling act, so some of the business thinking and PM experience will help there too.

So lots going on right now; sorting through all the stuff I'd left in Vancouver two years back, catching up with people, and planning the move to Seattle. What's more, I've got some serious catching up to do over the holidays, so would love to hear ideas about what I've got to play. Exciting times.

Happy New Year,


social, startup, freemium, the beginning, games

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