I insist on squeezing some time to have this ending entry to sum up my 2010 because it truly deserves one! Here's to the year that have seen me graduate from Poly, Business 6th time, heartbreaks, first clubbing experience, best job I've ever gotten, a super satisfactory race experience & whatnots.
I've really grew up a lot this year and understand more things in life, realizing & uncovering more of the working world. Have not decided on my future and I don't really adhere to resolutions set but heck, here's what I've thought of for now:
#1: Please lose some weight (Ideally 5kgs)
#2: Get into UNLV
#3: Find smt to do before I move on to my next stage in life
#4: I need/want/wish/hope to be happy
#5: Save more money for more travel trips
#6: Have a more open heart
With this, I shall invite 2011 with my open arms & heart, alongside the on-est clique that's with me these few months, regardless of healthy or unhealthy trips in the late/wee hours! ♥