(no subject)

May 15, 2004 13:53

back in the D and feeling punchy and paunchy.

12 hours in the car yesterday, could be chalked up as one of the most inane and maddening days of my life. truck stops everywhere, every form of matter that could be consumed is fried to a crispy, convoluted death (this includes lettuce.) truck drivers with strange body shapes - their gigantic guts and beanpole legs, squat necks and bobble heads. fat toddler boys in cut off wwf t-shirts swarm the candy racks and economy size bags of beef jerky threaten to form greasy avalanches. we drive through punksatawny (sp?) just in time for me liberate several lonely pieces of choice thrift store apparel that were looking for love. (who else on this planet has a "whiney the clown" t shirt besides crk? i ask you.) at one point during the quest-for-dearborn i put on my jacket that bears witness to the jenny oye vey pin, "jenny says go fuck yourself," which sparked a heated debate between me and mom k about why that was funny and the image that i was presenting of myself to people i encounter. (the people of punksatawny had nothing but love for my midwestern cornbread goodness.) meanwhile pop k laughed at us, which is a welcome shift from the norm.

eventually we rolled onto sheridan (bumping like the thugs we are), parked the car, threw my bajillions of boxes into the family room and mom and pop collapsed somewhere upstairs. i was exhausted too but i cannot sleep here yet. the silence in dearborn is entirely different than the blackhole of purchase. there is some sort of void action going on here. i smoked a cigarette and felt like i was polluting the manicured, polished feel that is fostered here like a third arm. i finished it but then i didnt know what to do with the butt. where do you put a little filthy end of nicotine fun in a place like this? i threw it somewhere i guess.

this feels wierd.

but two weeks or so is not bad. enough time for me to get my food on, my sleep on and to wash the clothes that havent been washed all year. i need to clear some stuff out of my room and my head and go to the dentist and have run-ins with people i dont want to see. i need to have quality grandma time and contemplate mels impending disapperance to poland. so this is good.

and its good that school is over because things were getting wierd. well exhibited by -
  1. g street wierdness
  2. student film wierdness (not pic-nics film but the other one, deception,) which basically made me feel like a huge moron and embaressed to be a many celled living thing.
  3. roomate wierdness
  4. boy wierdness
  5. extreme amounts of partying (yesterday my mom asked me if i thought there was a great deal of drinking that went on at purchase. . . erk . . . )

i am going to be 21 in exactly a week.

i am going to figure out how to put some pictures up here at some point in the several days.

i am going hardcore thrift shopping and no one can stop me.    
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