Fa la laaa...

Mar 01, 2007 12:24

Just saw the closing matinee of our school's production of The Laramie Project, which was excellent.

Am now suffering heartburn thanks to overcooked pasta (nasty and over-priced ... if only I had me some change for a Tums.)

I also (finally) got to watch the latest episode of Heroes, and dang it if I wasn't all sniffly by ep's end. I won't go into a lot of detail for those who have seen it or don't watch, but I loved how HRG's backstory was referenced at last and how it also served to tie up a lot of loose ends in regards to the character. It also leaves a bunch of new questions unanswered, but I'm excited to see how it plays out. Plus I'm really beginning to love The Haitian (dude really needs a name) and I wanna see Claire reunited with her uncle (!)

tv, plays

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