Just got back from Corpus...

Dec 24, 2006 13:41

... which must be gorgeous in the summer -- not so much when there's a big honkin' storm coming in from the Gulf, but still quite awesome. It actually made me homesick for Tacoma, which for various reasons is just bogus and sad.

We (me and four cousins) went to Corpus and ended up staying at a guest house on the grounds of a Catholic convent ... which made my cousin Margie and her husband insanely happy, and scared the shit out of me and my younger cousins, who are closer in age to me (Nathalie and I are both happily lapsed Catholics, and Vince just thinks nuns are scary). Not as bad as we expected, despite having to go to Mass for the first time in years, and that one of the nuns tried to (jokingly) recruit Nattie and I. In this case, the thought of being locked away with a bunch of other women case does absolutely nothing for me, can't say why =|

Friday, we did the tourist thing -- which included a trip to the aquarium and the dolphin show, eating crab cakes til we got nauseous (in the best way possible), checking out the Selena memorial statue and gravesite, and blowing almost $100 bucks on souveniers alone *pets her shark tooth keychain lovingly*

OOO! I also gave the ever lovely rhymephile a call on the way to Corpus, and she's an absolute sweetheart. We talked for about a half hour, and I think I scared her a little when I made an inquiry about her ongoing Oz/SVU crossover The Smile Series:

ME: ... that fic is so fantastic and I can't wait to see where you take it. BTW, when do we get man!sex?

RHYME: *stunned silence, audible snicker*

ME: DOOD, seriously! When do Elliot and Tobias get nekkid time?

RHYME: Wow, that caught me off-guard! Umm ... no comment?

ME: Hee.

Again I say, Rhyme is made of awesome.

Saturday, we went to the mall and completed some last-minute Xmas shopping, and I got myself some new clothes. I've lost almost 30 pounds in the last six months and none of my pants fit anymore (YAAAY!), and I also scored me some bras at Lane Bryant -- ones that not only fit, but give so much lift that my toes aren't visible unless I grab my girls out of the way (I don't know why that makes me happy, but YAAAY!).

Today, we just sort of sleep-walked to the truck and 4 hours later in the pouring rain, we're back here in Austin.

It's still gloomy outside (50 degrees and raining) but all in all, much fun was had by all.

Now, to prepare for this evening's Xmas party ...

*cuddles her keyboard ... zzzZzzzZzzz*

fic, fangirlishness

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