May 17, 2006 22:29

Tonight. Kicked. ASS.

Totally satisfying bit of tv tonight, y'all.

Competition tonight was pretty stiff, though I thought for a while that Tiffany might get the boot instead of Dave -- her dishes weren't quite on par with Dave's and Harold's, and lacked some of her usual finesse. I'm actually kind of glad Dave went home ... I just didn't like him much by the end. He's too unfocused, and ok, he hates Tiffany. WE GET IT. Move the fuck on and just concentrate on making good food. Just the same, he has the potential to do great things, and I can't wait to see how Tiff and Harold do next week.

JADE GOT KICKED OFF FIRST! W00T!!! DANIELLE WON! YAAAAAY! Work that gap, baby! *highfives ANTM*

Pretty tight ep this week, total nailbiter, and the way the flashbacks coincide with present day actually works for me. Normally, I'd roll my eyes at anything WAAAAAAALLT (!), but it had some purpose this time, and answered just enough questions to keep us wanting more. YES. I called Michael's motivations the moment we saw him burn that piece of paper in the beginning (lists with peoples names on them just don't last too on the island, apparently), and he won some sympathy from me. The way they intercut the scenes with The Others with the scenes from "The Hunting Party" was well done and I liked that we finally got a peek into "Their" lives, albeit a brief one. I also loved Michael's scene with Eko (anyone else trying not to think "Hill and Adebisi"? Creepy.), and OOO! We got to see Walt! For like five seconds!

Next to the mangos? Best J/S cannon moment, ever. I loved the way Sawyer admitted how exactly Ana stole his gun before, and how he manages to sound sorry that she's dead. Then seeking validation and possibly solace in Jack once again, AND telling Jack that he might be the closest thing he has to a friend? *THUD!* If that doesn't kickstart the fic writers out there, I don't know what will *koffkoff*foxxcub halfdutch alliecat8 elise-509*koffkoff*

I'm glad that Sayid is playing the doubt card -- Michael's not exactly being subtle with the specific group of people he wants to come with him, and I liked that bit of suspicion in Jack's eyes during the funeral. And Hurley made me sniffle. And giggle ("She was a pychologist. Or a psychiatrist. One of those." Hee! And awwww).

Jack and Sawyer are friends. Again -- GUH.


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