
Jan 19, 2005 19:50

Second chance's are so rare to find when you are looking in all the wrong places when you don't need to be looking at all, you just have to make them you're self. I'm tired of everyone on my back about my life, thats all I have been hearing for the past 2 days I will live my life the way I want to live and and I'll be happy living it that way I do the things that I do for a reason. I will do what I want, I will say what ever is on my mind at the time, and I will be with who ever makes me happy. Things in my life are looking up right now, yes some are not going the way that I wish and it may piss some people off that I'm not getting out of my bed right this minute and doing something about it but I'm not worrying about every little thing that goes wrong around me I will take care of everything day by day. Tomorrow I will start with the main thing that needs to get done and that is finding a much better job and getting a new car within the next month. I got 1 of my tax returns back today so that is $162 to add to the wallet or to my saveings account. So many people have some much drama in their lifes that it just gets to be where thats all you see and it does not help when you're family is giving you the most! But hey whatever I roll with it very well and deal with everything very weel too so we shall see how it all turns out within a few weeks. Knowing me it will turn out Fair like most times but I have a pertty good idea on what Fair is and hey I got no problem with it I don't want more then it if it's what I get. One thing that has been on my mind for a little bit of time is why some things can not stay gone you know! But I guess it's life you have face those things you're self and deal with them to make sure you don't see them in you're life again. It's been a long day but still when I think about it I didn't really do that much but o well I guess or I hope tomorrow will be a lot more joyful and I can get more done lol.
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