Oct 21, 2007 22:33
Saturday was an amazing day. I woke up at 7 that morning to get ready for my fencing tournament. Got there a little before the time to sign up and was like..."Where is everyone?" Turned out I was a no0b and was an hour early basically. Anyway, we started out doing some pre-runs on the electric stuff, yadda yadda. I wasn't completely warmed up yet, but I was doing okay. We got up to the actual one on one single elimination stuff. First guy I fought wasn't great at figuring out my counter-attacks, 12 me 7 him. Second guy was really aggressive and was quick with parries. His problem though was he wore himself out. Once I noticed he wasn't reposting, I was like "Well, fuck it, I'll kick his butt." Jab after jab, he couldn't keep up anymore and slaughtered him, 13 me 6 him. My memory is fading on me a little bit, but I believe my third and final match I did was against the Japanese girl. She was good, she knew what she was doing. She fenced 2-3 times a week, I only do once a week. We fought and fought, but she was kicking my butt. After I kept losing to her same attacks, I decided to try something else. I noticed she wasn't all that great at taking a full-out attack, so I did some of those. Sure enough, I finally caught up, 13 her 14 me. Last two bouts, she ended up beating me 15 her 14 me. I was really proud of myself that I caught up, I didn't care that I lost. She went on to a final round with some cocky little kid, and the kid ended up winning the tournament. I wanted to fence the little kid because I knew that I could whoop his ass =P
Then after all that, I went over to Mike's and had a gay ol' time. Absolutely nothing to worry about happened all day. It was wonderful.