Чт, 21:20: @ fathappyhippo and neitherLJ,nor FB asked the users' permission. You know,most people use one email address to sign up to multiple services!
Чт, 21:23: @ fathappyhippo#tldr many bosses,parents,teachers, cool friends saw blogs full of fan stuff.=>invasion of privacy. THANK GOD I wasn't on FB.
Чт, 21:44: You can't get an email address from google anymore, without them setting up a Google+ profile automatically, deleting's hard+complicated....
Чт, 22:07: Just to clarify - I made one grumpy Stannis pony for teh lulz. I do not watch My Little Pony. I'd never admit it in public, if I did. EVER.
Пт, 08:33: if someone at #Justified made the"but I didn't shoot the deputy" crack... I think I'd legitimately die of #lulz TIM GUTTERSON IM LOOKIN AT U
Пт, 13:47: RT @ robinince: Favourite Hitchens - on death of a TV evangelist "if you gave him an enema he could have been buried in a matchbox"