Soap huffing Saturday....

Apr 11, 2009 22:26

I went to LUSH...TWICE!!!. Nuff said right there.

The First Round: I just spent most of my time there inhaling EVERYTHING and finally bought a sample of the Karma bar soap. I didn't want to by a larger size because I wanted to see if the fragrance would match my chemistry. So with that, I also bought a Emotibomb (you put it on the floor of your shower and it fizzles and send up a lovely fragrance in the steam). I will try it Wednesday night. Ater that I toddled along and grabed a bite to eat a Mespaeros. Whist sitting in said Mespaeros, I suddenly turn my head and end up face to face with the most georgeous little man I have ever seen...Saku, with along with his dad Petri. He is one beautiful little toddler. They...(Petri, Charlote, Caroline, Zia, and another friend of theirs) were also having dinner at Mespaeros. At least I got to say hi to Caroline. :-)

Well once I was done, I left to go on back home so I could do some work. Of course I had to walk pass LUSH again...

And the willpower totally faltered this time......:-P

Round 2 consisted of: 2 Jasmine Bath Bombs
16 oz botlel of Flying Fox Body Gel...also Jasmine
1/2 lb of Karma Sold Soap...sweeeeeeettt!!!!
and got a couple of nice little freebie soaps.

I didn't need to pay the electric bill anyway...

All those who went to Frolicon, have big fun for me!! Take lotsa pics too! ;-)
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