Ég hef greinilega einhverja massa þörf til að tjá mig :P

Sep 13, 2006 21:13

Okie, *sigh* I just got cake so this day wasn't THAT bad XDD *loves cake* :D

I've been sleeping pretty badly lately because of backpain.. which is caused by me falling down those stupid stairs more than two weeks back. It would be better already if i wouldn't always overdo it at practice. But honestly... I don't know my limits and most likely never will. Plus I tend to want to go all out.. there's no fun in just coming there to swim.. I come to swim and improve.. :P

So other than that.. I went to school, my brother called me in class.. (again) XD Lol that was embarrasing.. :P No one cares but the teacher .. lol that's the funny part. But well my 'back to the future' theme songs ring tone I gotta say is just way fun to hear. Makes me wanna see the movies again :P

Went to my brothers after and we played coh until I had to go to practice. We had chinese food for lunch and well apparently I'm either alergic to something that was in the 'stuff in oustersause' thing.. or it just doesn't like my tummy. I got a pretty nasty chest burn out of it. I'm not alowed to eat black licorich nor some other things that contain something that's put in it.. I get sick from it. Bah chest burns and literally just sick. Not nice. That was kinda minor though so i'm alright.

I gotta remember to contact my doctor for my stomach acid medication thing again though. That'd help a bunch! XD Been a lot better since that surgery though. [/rant]

Okie.. enough said...

Practice was kinda fun the first two parts. The dryland was just exhausting.. but it wasn't that bad either though. The swimming part was alright and kinda fun. :P Mainly drills and sprints and some relay changings/starts. That was loads of fun.

I lost my contact in one of the dives though.. my googles decided not to stay on my face or something lol.. so yeah my plan of seeing well while playing polo.. didn't happen ^.^;

Then there came waterpolo. Guys and girls were playing together today. FOR CHRISTS SAKE!? Stupid Greg for not letting any rules apply! I actually help a friggin 15 min speach over that twirp afterwards.. and ouchie.. my boob hurts! ;__; *coughs*

Well it's a fact that guys are stronger than girls. It's just a biological fact. Also a fact that they overwealm us or whatever.. has to do with the strenght and also.. boys will be boys. They don't follow rules unless someone actually shoves them down their throats every five seconds.

SO.. the guys on the other team kept pulling us under.. that's not alowed. They kept hitting, giving elbow shots (my poor ... *coughs*), kick on purpous, hold ya down and literally hurt each other.

So not having any rules made it so.. ppl got hurt. And well honestly it's just not fun not playing by the rules. And the funny thing is.. the guys on the other team never followed them.. the guys on my team did. So that's not fair either.. well fair aint the word.

It's just ridiculus and plane studpid. The guys know the rules. We used to play waterpolo once a week when Stu was our coach. And everyone knew the rules. Some of the 'new' ppl don't.. but they can be tought.. BUT they never will abide them nor learn to abide them if they're never there in the first place... ugh! Enough of meaningless babbling.

The first game my team sucked.. we didn't really know our place and weren't really using any stragedy at all. Second game we ruled, and scored a goal after a goal after a goal. I scored around 9? I can't remember, not that I counted.

So it was way fun. The third game.. the other guys started being literally crazy.. that's when everything went down the trash.. not just rule wise.. but also just it stopped being fun. Hurting each other isn't my kind of fun. So the fourth game never happened because a lot of ppl guit after the third.

My shoulder and groin kinda hurt a lot. Not after anyone hurting me.. I got out pretty easy in that way.. (I think they're scared of me? :O lol.. well i'm not scared of them XD). It just hurts because it's a lot of pressure on your shoulder.. throwing the ball that far (not used to throwing balls btw) and keeping yourself floating doing *can't remember what it's called* in the water.

So yeah.. I'm gonna be way sore for a few days. Just hope I didn't strain my groin area.. have done that before.. hurts quite a lot actually.

And well I didn't mention. It's Johanna Gerða's birthday today. She's been all.. OMG over it. o_o' LOL! Ya should have seen me this morning. We have this 'tradition' in my family. We always gather (the whole family that lives in the house.. me, my parents and my sisters that is) and wake the person who's birthday and sing the b-day song for them.

Imagine.. me wrapped in my cover.. fall on my sisters bed.. well more let myself fall on it.. snuggle up to her covered feet.. and mumble the b-day song. XDDD I had the hardest time to stand up again. :P Lol I wasn't tired... nooooo >>;

Well this is a LOT longer than it was supposed to be.. So just remember.. a faul day.. can always be cured by a cake. XD; *coughs; flee*
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