Земля Нишапура, древнейшей столицы Хорасана, а ныне - небольшого тихого городка, дала рождение великим сокровищам Ирана: драгоценной бирюзе и двум суфийским поэтам - Омару Хайяму и
Фарид-ад-дину Аттару. Разумеется, планируя паломничество в Иран, мы подумали о Нишапуре в первую очередь... и не были разочарованы
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Comments 23
“Tell them to turn from all that is not Me;
To worship none but God continuously;
To heap together all the world can show;
To break it piece by piece and blow by blow;
To burn these fragments in one vivid flash,
And scatter on the winds the swirling ash -
When they have done this they will understand
The ash they grasped for with each greedy hand”.
(The Conference of the Birds, Penguin Classics, translated by Dick Davis and Afkhan Darbandi, 1984, p.172)
When Mahmud’s army had attacked Somnat,
They found an idol there that men called “Lat”.
Its worshippers flung treasure on the ground
And as a ransom gave the glittering mound;
But Mahmud would not cede to their desire
And burned the idol in a raging fire.
A courtier said: “Now if it had been sold
We’d have what’s better than an idol - gold!”
Shah Mahmud said: “I feared God’s Judgement Day;
I was afraid that I should hear Him say:
‘Here two - Azar and Mahmud - stand, behold!
One carved the idols, one had idols sold!”
And as the idol burned, bright jewels fell out -
So Mahmud was enriched but stayed devout;
He said: “This idol Lat has her reward,
And here is mine, provided by the Lord”.
Destroy the idols in your heart, or you
Will one day be a broken idol too -
First fight the Self, and as its fate is sealed,
The gems this idol hides will be revealed.
(The Conference of the Birds, Penguin Classics, translated by Dick Davis and Afkhan Darbandi, 1984, p.175)
Rise up from ruin, rise and disappear -
All shadows are made nothing in the one
Unchanging light of Truth’s eternal sun.
(The Conference of the Birds, Penguin Classics, translated by Dick Davis and Afkhan Darbandi, 1984, p.236)
To keep death’s ruthless vehemence in check,
But we must soften his imperious neck.
Though many tasks will fall to us, this task
Remains the hardest that the Way will ask.
(The Conference of the Birds, Penguin Classics, translated by Dick Davis and Afkhan Darbandi, 1984, p.130)
Now wood and phoenix are a raging fire,
Which slowly sinks from that first livid flash
To soft, collapsing charcoal, then to ash:
The pyre's consumed - and from the ashy bed
A little phoenix pushes up its head.
(The Conference of the Birds, Penguin Classics, translated by Dick Davis and Afkhan Darbandi, 1984, p.129)
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