Scrawny little fellah, but his personality's so adorable. Didn't see him today, though... Hope he's okay.
He perched himself on top of my hand, firmly grasping my index finger. I think he likes me.
This was as far as he got in the flying department. He might've made it, had he just let go of my hand. I'm hoping his absense today means he's learned to fly.
We still have lots left on the kitchen, but at least I've gotten the hang of assembling the drawers so the work is done more efficiently now. I've even had a little off time today, which was much needed. Seriously, you would not believe the wreck I was this morning! I'd been up for 17 hours straight the day before (sure, my own fault cause I stayed up to watch the Ricky Gervais Show) and was in so much physical pain you can't even imagine; every single muscle in my body is aching. It's gotten better throughout the day, though. I was so exhausted today that I almost cried when Mom tried cracking a joke. I was just too tired to react in a normal way. I know, this is hell on my mental and physical health, but I really do not know how to rest until the job is done. It's just not in me.