Aug 24, 2014 20:04
I don't like to discuss politics. It's just not something I'm very passionate about. I reckon I have a very healthy relationship to politics, as in: I vote when I'm asked, but I will not go marching down any streets. In my book, politics and religion are two sides of the same coin: everyone is entitled to their beliefs, but don't even try to force me to share them.
What has brought this on is my best friend, who is very into politics. To a degree that I would consider unhealthy. She is now mad at me (she hasn't said as much, but I think I can tell when she's being passive aggressive) because I asked her to stop sending me propaganda. Things that has the -ism suffix are things I usually stay away from: feminism, racism, nazism (is that a word in English..? It is in Swedish). Now, you'd think my best friend would know that I have enough brain cells to defer from anything Nazi-related, but the words between her lines yesterday hurt me. That's what the title of this post refers to: By not being in total agreement with the articles (which were Facebook posts, I might add) she sent me, I was, by default, supporting "them". You know, the others. In this case: Nazis, "the man" and the entire corrupt Police force. As if I would ever think anything Nazi-ish was okay! I just happen to be against all kinds of extremism - no matter if it's left or right!
I really don't feel like going into detail about what caused all this, because that would be pointless. But there was a Nazi meet in Malmö yesterday. Anti-fascists (I'll be honest and say that I'm not even sure what fascism is - it ends with -ism, remember?) tried to stop them but were "assaulted" by the police. Call me a bitch, but if you're dumb enough to stand in the way of galloping horses, you deserve to be run down. I can see the police's point of view, that's why my best friend is so mad. Don't blame the cops for having twisted views, and being a "force of evil". They are merely doing their job! Sure, there's probably a handful of sick bastards among them, but they are everywhere - on both sides!
What upset me about yesterday's happening is how the "peaceful" anti-fascist protesters targeted the Police horses. Every ounce of voilence meant for the policemen was aimed at the horses, who are clearly the innocents in all this. Also, as a person who has a hot temper, I am not afraid to share this: If I were a police officer on the scene yesterday, and I had an angry anti-fascist screaming right in my face what a pig I am, I'd punch 'em. Fuck my orders. If you get up all up in my face and target me personally, I will not stand quietly. It's safe to say that it's probably a good thing I chose a less violent profession.
The point I am trying to make - which will sound awfully hypocritical after that little revelation just now - is that violence just feeds violence. It is not the answer to beat (figuratively) the people who are trying to oppress minorities. The leader of our xenophobic party did a speech in the northern part of Sweden. Very few people came to see him. I think that's a better way to handle things: ignore it. No, I don't mean stand back and do nothing - believe me, I know there's a great risk of history repeating itself if these people gain more followers - I mean purposely ignore it. It's better to stand silent with your back to the jerk than to try to attack, either with words or pysical force. The best way to beat them is by being smart, not loud.
I'm not racist, not any more than you are at least, but I do know people who are, which is why I have a little bit more insight than some of my friends: the more you go yelling "down with the Nazis" on the streets, the more followers your opponents will gain. And as for people like myself - people who have realistic views, not extreme ones - who will never ever vote for the xenophobes; I will never vote for you either. While I might share your views (to a certain extent!), I do not care for the means you use to manifest those views.
I said earlier that politics and religion are two sides of the same coin, and here's how:
My best friend has plenty of friends who share her views, as well as love to partake in potests, so why is she even sending me stuff like this? It's not as if she has no one to talk to. She knows my beliefs are not dark and twisted, so it's not to convert me. I wish she'd be like I am with astrology: if it comes up in conversation, I'll address it, but beyond that, I will simply discuss it with fellow believers and not force all my friends to join me. Think/believe what you want, just leave me out of it.