Sometimes General Conversation Can Mean Much More Than General Conversation...

Oct 19, 2004 22:36

Within the past week i've talked to a few people that i haven't talk to since summer. Sure on their part it was just a friendly hello but it was nice to know they still cared. I got a txt one night and it seriously made my week. I'm sad i lost touch with that person bc we were pretty close. Oh well, i'm glad we are startin to talk again. I'm realizing how much i miss my girls. It sucks! I was just looking through all the pics senior year and realized how much they've always been there for me and vice versa. Just like ali said, you and the blonde send me pics of you hanging out with ur new friends and vice versa but damn you're not supposed to be hanging out with them u are supposed to be with me! Its so true. I seriously can not wait any longer for thanksgiving, its going to be INSANE. The three of us have not been together for 3 months and when we meet again it will have been 4 months. It could be dangerous. And gotta love ali for givin me some love in her profile, cept it had to bitch her out to get in there:

tchnopunkr (5:33:57 PM): that was sarcastic
tchnopunkr (5:34:07 PM): ms "im the queen of sarcastic"
Alyson515 (6:22:54 PM): whoa waaiitt a sec there bestest friend, you put a quote from dave in ur profile but dont show me any love, thanks that hurts. im the one who brought out your sarcasam more than anyone and he gets the praise, oh hell no!

What can i say sometimes ya gotta be a bitch. Hey! if it wasnt for me she would not have been that sarcastic senior year. I miss our battles between each other, we never missed a beat. On a brighter note today wasnt too shabby. Cept for walkin out in the freezin cold rain during communications class. She just had to pick the ugliest day to do that activity and have us walk around campus. But i did score my 100 on my calc exam just like i said i would. Not too shabby. I just wanna do really well on this next one to bump my 89% in that class up to an A. It can be done. Now that i've procrastinated even more of this stupid ass english assignment, i gotta get it done. Till next time...
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