(no subject)

Apr 03, 2005 16:15

I quit smokin pot. For one thing, Nickys dad found out, 2. I got my license so i dont wanna drive fucked up, 3. I just don't find the same feeling as I did like back in 8th grade. I like drinkin though, but i will never drive drunk. If I'm drunk enough to where i can barely walk, what the fuck makes me think i can drive?? lol. That would be retarted.

I've been kinda depressed lately...well actually I've been depressed since the end of 9th grade, pretty much non stop. I've had 1 b/f this year, not because its immpossible but because theres only one person i want. Noone else intrests me, and the way things are going, I dont think we could ever be together again no matter how much either of us want it. I havent seen him in a long while, it kills me. I know its kinda pathetic, but hes the last thing i think about before i go to sleep and the first thing that comes to mind when i wake up. Maybe hes found someone else and wont tell me??? He says he still loves me, but were not together so...fuck im so confused...lol i cant stop thinking about it and its almost funny to me, because im usually the one making fun of people that do shit like this, but guess who should get made fun of now. Yeah. Oh well...not shit i can do about it...hes the only one who can make it happen to be honest.

Well...im out. Payce
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