Nothing happening at the Stage Door except a constant cold breeze... thank you, smokers, for hanging about with the door wide open virtually all the time!
I've been reading Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's book Meat (which is excellent, and makes me hungry every time I pick it up). There are some lengthy discussions on what it means to eat meat, and the level of responsibility each meat-eater should take for the welfare of the animals killed to provide them with food. It made me realise that the reason I have tried to become vegetarian twice in my life is not because I feel morally opposed to eating meat but because I feel morally opposed to the way that animals are intensively farmed in order to provide that meat. And thanks to the education provided by this book, I now know much more about how to avoid buying intensively farmed meat. Now the only thing is to coin a word for this sort of food choice, so that when people serve me up a nasty factory chicken I can politely decline, just like vegetarians can, without them thinking I am just being awkward or snobby...
If anyone feels the same way, there is an online petition against intensive chicken farming in the UK which can be found