Apr 14, 2009 20:49
I sneezed today.
Why is that such a big deal? What's so important about it?
Normally, nothing ... and with that this post is already over.
The thing is, that I ended up sneezing and realizing that I did it identical to my father. I am so much like him that I feel like a copy sometimes. Today I realized that yet again, but good for me that I once I got over being mad at him for always being away working to support us, I learned to look up to him as someone I want to be.
Looking back now, I am still not as great as him in some ways, but in others I am him or more. Though at my age he already had a full family and was managing to raise us. Here I am, not yet there and for the foreseeable future it looks like I don't have any ability to change that. I have no family to support, yet if I did I also don't think I could manage to.
I have so much to do and to become. I've had some people already tell me that they think I could become director level within the company. It is a nice compliment, but when I look at my goals I only see me moving with the flow of the future and being someone who enjoys life and loves what he can.
I'll be 27 soon, I suppose I should grow up some. I want people to take me seriously even though I love to be in the limelight and lighthearted. I am planning out how to move my career, finances, and relationships ahead so that I can build that future. Depending on my career I may even be swayed back to Ohio or some other location in the world. I'm not really tied down just yet it seems, but I want to start building something.
And then, I sneezed again and realized my allergies are acting up. Need to take more meds for that.