Feb 13, 2006 16:20
Just now, an acquaintance told me about the "cool new Men's Right's movement".
I curiously picked his brain on the matter. My numbers (which were his numbers) may be off, but my case still stands.
This acquaintance told me that money is recklessly poured into fighting domestic violence when "only 1200 women" (and 1200 is acceptable?) died last year (something like that) of domestic violence in the US. He also said that many more men have died of suicide resulting from their agony over women. Here are two problems I pointed out to him, and it's all about statistical bullshit:
1) Look at the entire population of female victims of domestic violence: the majority isn't killed; what about the majority? I would even venture to say that more victims would rather be dead than be stuck in their abusive situation.
2) Look at the entire population of people who are suicidal: relative to women, men are significantly more successful in their suicide attempts (because they're more likely to use irreversible techniques like gunfire and hanging, while women typically use reversible techniques like overdosing and wrist-slitting). Attempted suicide is neglected in that statistic.
And are we ignoring sexual assault statistics? Surely women aren't oppressing men in that department.
Now I think I understand why I spent three semesters studying statistical techniques.