Feb 27, 2019 12:00
- Tue, 16:57: I’m reading INDEXING by @ seananmcguire and I am LOVING it. I have no idea why I hadn’t picked it up before. LOVE. I… https://t.co/CAhUGjCmbA
- Tue, 17:06: RT @ gaileyfrey: HAHAHAHAHA WOW fuck this. Fuck especially the "these things are banned from our dress code, or would be, if we had a dress…
- Tue, 17:10: RT @ NewEnglendTweet: I know the south gets a lot of flak for being homophobic but have you ever tried Boston
- Tue, 17:11: RT @ TheAlanNoble: If you brag about groping women without their consent, it is reasonable for people to believe accusations that you sexual…
- Tue, 17:19: Men on the internet who “want to genuinely debate” stupid shit by condescending to me are a fucking plague. I do… https://t.co/mym2wEgBAI
- Tue, 17:23: Look, I don’t want Bernie. But this is some bullshit. It takes some fucking balls to parallel a progressive, left-w… https://t.co/vFBkAYjgtH
- Tue, 17:25: RT @ nycdaija: So my mom comes home from work to find a message from my little sister... I am cryinggg 😭 https://t.co/FyM0ssAUgp
- Tue, 17:27: RT @ HillaryMonahan: Did you like Juno? Would you like a take on Juno that's... gayer? HAVE I GOT THE BOOK FOR YOU. Seriously, I pitched i…
- Tue, 17:38: RT @ AsteadWesley: Jacob Wohl was 21 when he talked himself into a Twitter suspension https://t.co/iCOFjnOSy3
- Tue, 17:39: So I’ve barely been on today due to, y’know, PMS and reading a great book. What exactly did Wohl DO to get himself… https://t.co/tKeRc9RTgF
- Tue, 17:40: This is heartbreaking. All of my queer UMC clergy (and lay) Friends, I am so sorry. You are valued and you are belo… https://t.co/5K2xSB1rVA
- Tue, 17:46: RT @ hannahboning: you don't have to stay in the UMC, my loves. there are tables out here where you are wanted. i'll pull up a chair for you…
- Tue, 17:46: RT @ dansinker: This is nuts. YOU CAN REGISTER TO VOTE AT THE POLLS. PLEASE GO VOTE. https://t.co/qm2RlYvhtd
- Tue, 17:49: RT @ ellle_em: A very important thing everyone has to learn: when it comes to hurting someone through your words or actions or whatever, you…
- Tue, 18:01: RT @ Wonkette: Diamond And Silk Cruelly Snubbed By The Oscars, Says Guy Who Did Not See Their 'Movie' https://t.co/l5MQN56QkM via @ RobynElyse
- Tue, 18:08: HOLY. FUCK. WHAT. THE. FUCK. https://t.co/XYTGrdBZiV
- Tue, 18:12: RT @ Jacopo_della_Q: Lawyers, is this legal? 👇 #MichaelCohen #CohenDisbarred #MattGaetz https://t.co/bf8hAg4OZ5
- Tue, 18:13: RT @ femmina: If you're a UU or a UCC or another affirming tradition type and you're using this #gc2019 moment to preen about how much bette…
- Tue, 18:16: RT @ femmina: Let LGBT UMC folks have their feelings and make their own choices for moving forward. Honor their pain. Or I will fight you.
- Tue, 18:20: RT @ ginnybeesly: @ AllisonRFloyd And don’t chastise that woman if she chooses to engage with him! “Ignore the trolls” is unhelpful advice co…
- Tue, 18:22: RT @ oneunderscore__: I somehow have another Wohl update. Hold on a second.
- Tue, 18:23: RT @ HydrationCat: ii an fold my pawes an ask u NIECLY plz drinkk an Watre https://t.co/yXtNsyATCq
- Tue, 18:23: RT @ thegoodcatboy: ,i had an . Nice lasey dday https://t.co/eoA8sMRl8R
- Tue, 18:24: RT @ CoastalWilliams: I am 35 years old. This weekend I bought a 64 ounce water bottle so a cat on the internet would be proud of me. Prai…
- Tue, 18:26: RT @ thegoodcatboy: DDONT ,EVER ,QEUSTION ME ,AGAIN https://t.co/z5AtUkc9X0
- Tue, 18:27: RT @ goblinkenny: remembor to taek brake to admore kenny https://t.co/SNCsOQlHQI
- Tue, 18:32: RT @ RiversideNYC: To our LGBTQ siblings, sisters, and brothers in the @ UMChurch, we see you, we love you, and we affirm the call that God h…
- Tue, 18:35: Burning the weeds in the drainage ditches in summer. Burning the fields after harvests. Burning a lot of stuff, now… https://t.co/HgRugaN7TD
- Tue, 18:35: ...no. That’s definitely not how that works. https://t.co/r2XIPYmnEG
- Tue, 18:36: RT @ ohtumblroh: https://t.co/KSrlHplcF0
- Tue, 18:42: If any of my @ UMChurch siblings need to process this heartbreaking betrayal, my DMs are open. I came from the churc… https://t.co/x8sas4cyWB
- Tue, 18:52: RT @ rmnetwork: I'm so sorry, beloveds. There is so little to be hopeful for. We know there is a resurrection hope. We know it with our mind…
- Tue, 18:53: RT @ scalzi: Oh my god my heart goes out to this poor man, who is not in fact an asshole congressman. https://t.co/ZK9kkvy6iy
- Tue, 18:54: RT @ DrShailenSingh: holy shit https://t.co/xq1QLKlVaE
- Tue, 18:55: Is life not soul-sucking enough? Try being a low-paid, high pressure, non-union warehouse worker in your free time!… https://t.co/MPiB51TIzl
- Tue, 19:00: The UMC has done it, now. They’ve pissed off my cat, Molly. She is not pleased with this bullshit.
- Tue, 19:01: RT @ Muna_Mire: God I wish every single person knew how free they’d be if the government guaranteed healthcare to everyone. So many of you a…
- Tue, 19:01: RT @ AustinJacob2012: It's a sad day in the United Methodist Church! Broken hearts, broken minds, broken doors 😭💔 #OneChurch4All #UMCGC2019
- Tue, 19:02: I seriously hope you never have a daughter. The “asking permission” is a tradition from when women were PROPERTY. C… https://t.co/ALQjPX32fs
- Tue, 19:04: Human cremains. ...yeah. Somebody’s Nana got mailed to my apartment. I didn’t keep her. https://t.co/ZxNXy1KvMv
- Tue, 19:04: RT @ DeviantVenavis: @ colton No, it’s not a respect thing https://t.co/dVbEpxUXbY
- Tue, 19:05: RT @ outofmyplanet: I...... did not know turtles had offense behaviour????? I'm screaming https://t.co/ZqIduzTEPS
- Tue, 19:12: God, give me the confidence of a pissed off turtle head butting animals 40x its size. Amen. https://t.co/vclxKO1bp0
- Tue, 19:14: RT @ billmefford: While the #UMC has barred it's faithful LGBTQ members from coming inside the hall, the real worship is happening outside.…
- Tue, 19:14: RT @ Sarcasticluther: There is God. And then there is the church. The less we conflate the two, the better. The church may reject God’s chil…
- Tue, 19:19: RT @ leahmcelrath: This whole thread by @ _celia_bedelia_ and the replies. I can’t get agitated right now for health reasons, but all of it.…
- Tue, 19:23: RT @ PolyglotEvangel: Aaaaaand now the police have blocked the queers from attending worship - so they're singing outside the entrance to th…
- Tue, 19:24: If I can talk God into a go at reincarnation, I’m coming back as the creepiest, smartest, most advanced octopus pos… https://t.co/eTrKDbiTvy
- Tue, 19:27: “I thought you’d be happy I found a non-violent solution!” “YOU SHOWED YOUR BREASTS TO AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD BOY!”… https://t.co/Bw17Pp5W0f
- Tue, 19:36: RT @ Otter_News: Water sausage is ready for bed. https://t.co/7Tv8RiAq6x
- Tue, 19:36: RT @ TheRickyDavila: Matt Gaetz is the Roger Stone of Jacob Wohls.
- Tue, 19:37: RT @ seananmcguire: (I would probably sleep in a haunted boat that was actively bleeding from the walls and muttering threats if it meant ge…
- Tue, 19:47: RT @ claythescribe: #TrueLifeStory https://t.co/a1m0ufMfee
- Tue, 19:50: LET ME ABSORB. 😭 https://t.co/7gtbKTXJp3
- Tue, 19:53: Did it help your focus for school? 👀 https://t.co/vT7xXCoQlH
- Tue, 19:55: Holy shit. Um. Let’s just...not? https://t.co/FI70iDFyml
- Tue, 20:28: RT @ RMac18: Twitter spokesperson on why Jacob Wohl's account was suspended: "The account was suspended for multiple violations of the Twitt…
- Tue, 20:28: RT @ omalonar: So I made a thing https://t.co/ngntTZrwXy
- Tue, 20:29: RT @ dulcetry: sure sex is great but have u ever had a cat put its nose on your nose
- Tue, 20:29: RT @ AdorabIeHyuck: The woman that bailed R. Kelly out owns a restaurant in Chicago called Love on the Blu. Don’t eat there since she wanna…
- Tue, 20:42: Hey, @ BreenIsTerrible: StrangerVille? Y/N?
- Tue, 20:54: Watching @ KevinMKruse demolish this asshole is a delight every single time. https://t.co/bH7wwwyLAB
- Tue, 21:47: My cat has nearly 100 Twitter followers. In, like, 4 days. Pretty sure it took me a few months to break triple digi… https://t.co/VEKDsgJjiv
- Tue, 21:53: Twitter definitely has a handle on its users, at least insofar as what most of us are REALLY here for. https://t.co/alA7IDr6OS
- Tue, 22:01: This is a bad photo of my cat forcibly intervening between me and the imposter, pixelated “cat” on the computer tha… https://t.co/gWKscatNxU
- Tue, 22:06: RT @ RevDaniel: “Are you a practicing homosexual?” I am homosexual but my practice has been a bit off lately. Looking for a trainer. You l…
- Wed, 09:16: RT @ HillaryMonahan: CNN just said the president was "untethered to the facts and truth" and I think that's the softest way of saying he's a…
- Wed, 09:20: RT @ KBSpangler: Chairman Cummings (D) is kicking it off in his opening statement by saying the American public needs to hear this testimony…
- Wed, 09:21: RT @ KBSpangler: "Ladies and Gentlemen, the days of this committee protecting the president at all costs are OVER. They're over!" - Cummings…
- Wed, 09:25: Those are just the rules, y’all. Actions have consequences. The universe links up Ana’s back? First law of thermody… https://t.co/50D4nY3jpw
- Wed, 09:35: RT @ KBSpangler: Jordan is coming out hard with "Clinton loyalist" rhetoric, and now he's coming after Cummings who is NOT PUTTING UP WITH A…
- Wed, 09:36: RT @ KBSpangler: Cohen's listing the receipts he brought, and it's a highlight reel of past scandals. Adult film stars, those vanity paintin…
- Wed, 09:41: RT @ KBSpangler: Cohen addresses whether Trump knew about the Wikileaks email drop. "The answer is yes." [DIRECT QUOTE] Says he was in an…
- Wed, 09:42: RT @ ParkerMolloy: It's his reply that really makes it https://t.co/0ia4HTQb9u
- Wed, 09:50: RT @ MK_author: So, the median net worth for a white family in Boston is 250k. Median net worth for a black family is $8. Not a typo. In a…