My tweets

Feb 10, 2019 12:00

  • Sun, 10:42: RT @ beardedstoner: *clears throat*
  • Sun, 10:43: Dammit. I KNEW I’d be the yappiest tiny dog. Oh well. I’mma go be a yappy tornado for justice.
  • Sun, 10:48: RT @ Kal1994_: What’s up Twitter I’m a chef in the DMV. I cater, meal prep & sell plates ($10-$20) on weekends. A Like or Retweet might chan…
  • Sun, 10:49: HUG AN CHONK PLZ
  • Sun, 10:51: RT @ sirosenbaum: Since Pratt, Lowe, and Ansari have all shown their asses, I'm here to remind you that Nick Offerman runs a woodshop in LA…
  • Sun, 11:08: RT @ Alt_FedEmployee: Rob Lowe is a jackass but his tweet is an example of how when the fuckwad who is supposed to be president uses racial…
  • Sun, 11:08: RT @ njbut04: the 5 girls who will absolutely ruin your life: 1. julia 2. julia 3. julia 4. julia 5. julia julia if you're reading this br…
  • Sun, 11:09: RT @ Shakestweetz: "Billionaire" isn't a qualification. It's the description of a person who is hoarding more resources than they could use…
  • Sun, 11:10: RT @ JesusOfNaz316: Blessed are they who understand the ongoing process of thesis-antithesis-synthesis.
  • Sun, 11:14: RT @ leeflower: "I apologize for my race/gender/____" is annoying because it's just a less combative way of saying "not ALL ____!" We're sti…

#nationalpizzaday, #parenting, twitter, #whyineedfeminism, #sexworkiswork, #seattlesnowmageddon2019, #piesforthepeople, #herper, #pockets

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