Jan 24, 2008 14:09
Taken word-for-word from my book
Sun Sign, Moon Sign: Discover the Key to Your Unique Personality Through the 144 Sun-Moon Combinations
by Charles and Suzi Harvey
self confident; intuitive; abundance of ideas; passionate and adventurous; courageous; dictatorial; reckless nobility; social conscience yet self-centered; ambitious; hero-worship; vanity; great integrity; whole-hearted; idealistic dedication; satirical; unconventional.
Do you want to shine as part of the group or dazzle the world in your own right? Are you a night in shining armour or a bit of a Don Quixote, looking for conquests that will define you but often ending up a victim of your need for appreciation?
You have a large, warm-hearted, extroverted personality that is always eager to embrace life, love and success - in big doses. There is something about you that assumes the divine right to live life to the full, and your intensity and impatience, along with your personal ambitions, will pull you ever onwards into new projects, fresh relationships, and greater challenges.
You are something of a gambler and have a daring and dramatic spirit which propels you forward to make your mark, a sense of personal destiny that can only be exciting and noble. And you are prepared to fight for that glorious destiny if you have to, although you would rather simply steal the show and convince everyone with your intelligence, originality, courage, and fabulous style.
One of your most beguiling qualities is that you are totally lacking in the quile and pretence. Although your own personal destiny is what interests you, paradoxically you at first look for people you can admire and make into personal heroes. Strongly influenced by a favourite teacher, friend, poet, sports champion or movie star, you can then emulate them and learn through experience how to be great. You love the process of creating, as well as the applause that comes at the end. Indeed, you rely on those adoring strokes and affirmative responses more than you like to admit. Life without people would be colourless and boring for you. Social interaction is your life-blood
- you can be the life of the party, a real ham and an eccentric, ready to take up the most outrageous dare. But when your extrovert escapades dry up, so do you. You may, in fact, drive yourself to ehaustion and then collapse like a child, home from an all-night rave-up.
Yet despite your headstrong rush into the experience of life, you are not necessarily irresponsible. Daring and highly idealistic dreams work away inside you and make you want to improve things, to show people the way, and you may simply take charge
- for awhile. Intensely self-motivated, you do not respond well to orders from others, even though you can be quite bossy yourself.
There is a touch of the preacher inside you, and you approach your work with great enthusiasm and commitment.
You need space to do your own thing, to learn from your own mistakes, and ot learn how to impose your own brand of self-discipline.
Your innate self-dramatizing tendencies make you a natural for the theatre, business, lecturing, the media - areas that inlove group interaction and provide scope for your original and iconoclastic ideas.
These are of intense importance for you, as you seek to experience life and be consumed by it. Romantic, kind-hearted and intensely devoted to your sweetheart, you will show your love in charming, even chivalrous, dramatic ways when you have found the one. But you can be brusque and demanding without realizing it, for your high standards and varied interests are never far from your mind and often cause you to talk to much and listen too little.
That high powered energy never stops long enough to focus sensitively on your partner's needs, or on the boring household tasks that have to be done. An earthy partner will help you to slow down and pay the bills; a water partner will fascinate you with their mysterious depths - and you will find, if you give it time, that you also have those same depths and emotional needs.
Your Greatest Strengths
Personal courage; raw ambition; leadership abilities; intuititve imagination; powers of persuasion; optimism; integrity; honourable ideals; an uncomplicated desire to make your mark on the world - and leave it a better place.
Your Greatest Weaknesses
Overestimating your abilities; lack of objectivity and therefore a proneness to let grandiosity trip you up; rashness with others; recklessness and lack of self criticism; tendency to let your oridinary, human, emotional needs get lost in the heat of your noble endeavours.
I love this stuff. This book is awesome. It's a great way to learn more about people you know (if they know what time they were born)