Aug 05, 2010 06:54
I don't know what it is, but somehow hearing about happy couples only makes me want a relationship less. There's something about it that's just turning me off lately and I can't figure out what it is. I guess just a mixture of fear, doubt, and skepticism that I'll ever find a relationship that will truly make me happy. Not even the O.C. warmed my heart tonight.
I couldn't sleep at all after waking up from a strange dream at midnight, and now, despite this overtired state, I'm trying to motivate myself to finish my laundry and packing up my life into suitcases to drop off at my new home tonight. One packed, many more to go. Part of me just wants to stay here out of convenience but I know I'm just exhausted right now. My sleep schedule is so ruined after the past few weeks. I just want all my responsibilities to be done so I can sleep off a month of summer.
This was a very weird week.