(no subject)

Mar 01, 2010 01:20

Hi to everyone coming from here!  I'm Asply, and this is where I have all my writing.  I'll do a proper 'hello' later, promise.

Um, anyways.  Not much happening, except for more stuff from Creative Writing.  Latest extra credit assignment: a Shakespearean sonnet.

The sonnet is the hardest form to write
For struggling students, fresh from open form
The structure of the sonnet turns words trite
And thoughts are jarred, abandoning the norm
No inspiration penetrates my mind
I pray my teacher will not call "cliche"
The form of sonnet seems to simply bind
Unwillingly, I jump into the fray
Ten syllables, in fourteen lines; I fear
My poems tend to drag out without end
Oh, what a waste of precious time so dear!
I put my eyes to that which I have penned.
But what is this?  The poem's almost done?
The sonnet's over!  -Extra credit won.

poetry, meme

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