(no subject)

Sep 08, 2009 23:20

Love MirrorMask. I love that movie so incredibly much it's not even funny. Just so much good stuff...I would so write about it if I thought I even had a chance of coming close to what Neil Gaiman has created.

In other news, I finally got Darkrai ♥ No, it's really easy, but in my neighborhood, there is no WiFi left unlocked. Whatsoever. I had to walk about a quarter of a mile to find someone's wireless, but the pretty Darkrai is worth it. As per my current rereadings of Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen, I named it Ranna, which goes by "Sleeper". Appropriate, I thought. And then went and renamed the rest of my legendaries to match the theme. Uxie is Belgaer (Thinker), Azelf is Dyrim (Speaker), Giratina is Orannis (Destroyer), I've got Kibeth (Walker) and Saraneth (Binder) reserved for Dialga and Palkia, same between Cresselia and Mosrael (Waker), and when I finally catch Mesprit it will be Yrael (which doesn't have a spiffy name). ...And now my sister wants me to take the same walk with her Diamond to get her the Member's Card. Can you even get it in Diamond?

In other other news, that nobody but Cammy will understand, I'm currently absorbed in my latest project - Kind of the other side to 'Catch me'. That is why I haven't been posting anything. It's not because I'm a lazy bastard. Really. *shifty eyes*

random movie, platinum woes, story notes, rl

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