Title: Contrition
aspiring_prole Characters: Burt, Kurt
Challenge: ‘late’
Rating: G
Notes: No spoilers, but mentions alcoholism; does that need a warning?
Eight years ago, his wife passed and he spent six months tanked up on Jack.
He awoke one morning to see Kurt sweeping up broken glass and he realised that he’d failed him; left him to heal and attend himself
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They're so introspective and lovely.
We should be friends! *beaming*
I just friend-ed you....hope that’s okay? It may be a bit one sided whilst I attempt to get over my writers block, but I’d love to keep up with your fics :D
I can totally understand having a secret fandom journal; I like to pretend that I don’t spend a scary amount of time trawling the communities....it’s far too addictive.
I was more embarrassed about my fics than anything. :x
I guess if I got found out I wouldn't really care that much.
Maybe I'll grow a pair and just link the two.
Though, your fics aren’t anything to be embarrassed about; I’ve already mentioned that I really enjoy your take on the prompts :). You manage to keep everyone in character and don’t go overboard on the angst....I especially love your Kurt.
I'm in college getting my degree in art history, so I actually write a lot, but essays and things like that, never really any creative writing.
*blush blush*
You're toooo kind.
Not that I don't love every word you type, hahah.
I’m pretty bad at essays; if you let me, I’ll ramble on about nothing thinking I’m making a good point, before glossing over the main focus in a sentence and abandoning it. It’s probably a good thing that I rarely have to use full sentences!
Haha; if you keep filling prompts I’ll no doubt type lots more :D
I’m off to pick up my GF from work now; I’ll already be in trouble when she see’s my poor attempts at a CV without being late! It’s fun chatting to you....I’ll probs pester you more later (if that’s okay?) :D
Of course we're going to chat more later, that's why we friended eachother. :)))
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