SPN 7.08

Nov 18, 2011 00:26

7.08! On the day before 7.09. Wait. Now the day of 7.09.

What I want to know is, why do I only post about singularly dubious episodes? I think I'm too busy watching them when they're actually awesome. This is like the internet equivalent of talking at the cinemas, I guess "HAHAHA DOBBY'S DEAD."

they love me there.

Is this the meta episode?

Okay five minutes in and I ship Strangely Intuitive Stripper/Dean

Somehow I feel this will not get the fandom attention I need it to though

much like Dead Jo/Dean

AWW Dean has a friend who is just so happy that Sam is getting better and being all reasonable but is just so upset he's not coming on their little trip to vegas!! DEAN I LOVE YOU. YOUR CUTE FACE. I JUST WANT TO COME AT YOU WITH A HUG. I BET THAT STRIPPER DOES TOO.

"From Sammy"


I love it when Sam makes Dean be all marshmallowy. It's my favourite. He's afraid Sam doesn't need him any more! In a wincest fic, this would resolve with Sam telling Dean he'll always be needed, just not neccesarily in John Winchester-style terms.

ALSO: SPN it's loveable when you clock us over the head with what you want to mean like that.

Hhhhhhhhhh the way Dean wobbles a little bit when Sam slaps a hand on his shoulder. Dean's attentive face. I'm sorry, maybe you're learning too much about me here

HAHAHA DEAN'S STARE. You do immobile deadpan so well Jensen Ackles


"homes what" - Dean Winchester

oh my god the drum machine

but ugh the music as we zoom to Dean's face. If there's one thing I wish we could let go from last season, it would be the TERRIBLE SOUNDTRACK and the DRAMATIC ZOOMS. I don't even care about content, I just want a incy wincy bit of desaturation, maybe some shots of the Chevrolet Impala. is there a real life reason for why the impala is gone? you know like when an actor gets pregnant or breaks an arm and they write it into the script

did the rosy pink homosocial forcefield shielding their car from detection for the last six seasons break down???

also this is perhaps the most terrible premise for a comedy episode ever Supernatural I can hear a scritching scratching noise

it's you scraping the bottom of the barrel

it's you sanding down the bottom of the barrel in order to access a place even further down the barrel

EXPLODING WEDDING CAKE okay I was won back by the camp


annnnd we have a canon reference to Sam's Deathwang of Unpleasant Circumstance


but why have Sam's sideburns separated into two parts

jesus christ I just cannot get over how enormous Sam is this episode

Aw I like Guy

aww no

awww this is totally going to split Sam's melon in two

the waffle iron though yessssss please do demonstrate awkwardly how to use the waffle iron to your brother and then say you have no idea how it works and then bull past him



The constant comparison of Sam and Dean to romantic relationships is imo hilarious and great even in a gen way. It's like that one obstinatrix fic but canon!!!

"Ever occur to you that we're just, I don't know, happy?" SAM'S EYEBROW RAISE.

THE WAY HE HUGS THE DIARY haha adoragblkbd!!

liiiiiiidle bit jealous there sam. Scrawny is actually bringing to the forefront for me the quite jocks-y nature of Sam and Dean. Someone write them douchey laughing and slapping each other's backs for me

also SWEATERVEST. I have no idea why it's there but it's great

uhhhhh I'm not so keen on the implications of Becky sexually assaulting Sam. Hilarious?

No wait, they pulled it back with Sam being angry at Becky 'roofie'-ing him

oh hey the black person turned out to be evil. imagine a massive void of surprise!!! and that is me and my face

sammm being strangled la la la

Sam: hhh

Dean: hhh

Sam: hhargh

Dean: bhhlhhgg

yes why not just switch back and forth between the two leads eyeing each other while being strangled and alternately making stupid noises

This scene is like they're in Friends!! how deliciously nineties. I spent about three minutes trying to figure out who would be who but it doesn't really work. Castiel is Phoebe??

Threesome threesome threesome sorry what was that? Threesome.

IT'S STILL A DENVER SCRAMBLE UP HERE I JUST KNOW MY WAY AROUND THE PLATE NOW. oh kripke, the ghost of your uncomfortable dysphemisms lives on.

I totally thought the potion wearing off was Sam's brain shorting out, and that the reason the potion was "wearing off so quickly" was to do with parsing reality problems. THIS IS JUST LIKE WHEN I THOUGHT SAM WAS GOING TO MAKE THE GUN FLOAT TO HIM PSYCHIC BOY IN EPISODE SEVEN. Though that was a class episode otherwise that reminded me a lot of Provenance. Still want so much curtain fic where they settle down in Lilydale

Kinnnnd of disliked that Becky's no. 1 dream was to get married to Sam, or that at the end of the episode they were like haha becky no it's fine you're just weird. drugging people is just a weird fan thing. ahaha. ha. it's an odd clash between her being MOTW and a sympathetic character, kind of like they were going to do a Misery thing and then pulled back thinking oh shit yeah wasn't this the metaphor for our audience? Dead cast/rapist fandom OTP. ...Yeah.

You know what, let's pretend some of that never happened, except for the canon that Weedy Legs and Becky become hunting partners together and have hilarious background adventures a la Ghostfacers.

Whennn they paused Sam's hallucinations plot, I expected a lot going on with Dean but instead it's been this sort of meanding, uncommitted who knows what the fuck which could have been going on in the background of any number of episodes without this, uhh, constant build up of expectation? Mega frustrating. It's taken, what, five episodes of them going AND THIS IS GOING TO BE THE EPISODE ABOUT DEAN'S ISSUES haha no wait a little bit longer ps Sam says he's cool for me to be like FUCK. They've had ample space in these last few episodes to set up some awesome gradual character development and instead it's basically been a case of sdpvje'pjwef;lkjtboijrelkflbbbbbbbbb dean drinks a lot but man they're such biffles!!! Which I love. But don't taunt me.

I really loved the last few episodes though. The witch episode! Though just looking at all these previous episode reactions ((I should probably clean out Sticky Notes)) of me going AWESOME THEY'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT DEAN'S ALCOHOLISM??? is hilarious. nevvvver. dean's manpain is too precious to solve. HOW WOULD HE CRY THEN????? ONLY TEARS OF JOY.

I slightly dislike that they're paying this like, extreeeeeeemely feeeeeble per-episode lipservice to Sam's madness, haha. Like for so long, from the point where it became inconvenient. Doop doop doop narrative threads. Which is ridiculous when they could just show him drifting off or flinching at things every so often and I'd be like YES SUPERNATURAL THE REAALLIHI-HI-HISSMMMMM /vanderbeek. The standards are that low. they're like an ornamental hedge. for fuck's sakes. they're like those tiny fences they make for baby animals at country shows. they're like. they're like ronnie corbett. if you sat down on my standards about this you wouldn't be able to get back up again. they're like a lamborghini murcielago

What I'm saying is, Sam saying he's got the devil bouncing around his bonce like a baby in a baby bouncer and then behaving as if that's not even the case is confusing. I don't want the inevitable episode in which it all goes wrong and Dean is like 'I never should have trusted you everything is terrible'. I wanted an arc in which Dean learnt to have faith in Sam and Sam taught Dean to love life again while having occasional psychotic breaks!!!!! DELIVER PLEASE. THANKS.


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ETA: Sam is Monica Dean is Rachel

didn't really feel like a meta episode, supernatural

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