Jan 23, 2007 08:30
Hi, I'm 37, mtf, living full time.. I'm socially awkward, always feel like i don't fit in anywhere.. never been dianosed with asbergers but meet a lot of the criteria.
So my question is what do they do to treat people with asbergers? Padded cell? Lobotomy?? Is there anything they can do at all or do we learn to live with it?
thanks so much
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While I supress a giggle at the implications of 'passing amongst the NT's- it duly underscores an angle on our lives we aspies may have an advantage over the NT's in. The taxonomical character of an NT inherently includes major insecurities about social status that WE aspies often are blessedly self insulated from. Oh, some of us have programmed ourselves an analog to the NT world's concerns about "passing" and "how we fit in" mostly from self defense.
But do we need to protect our selves from ourselves in this?
So, embrace whatever makes you feel comfortable.
Be kind to those who sadly may never understand.
Humor them in respecting their conventions and customs asking only mutual respect for doing so in good faith- to not dehumanise them!
But NEVER surrender to their demands that WE become like THEM!
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