More Coulson Conversation from Tumblr

Oct 18, 2012 13:01

erindizmo asked: I have seen NOTHING that definitively says it's a prequel. In fact, here's a pretty good recap of the video from someone that was there: pagebranson(.)tumblr(.)com/post/33711971223/nycc-marvel-tv-panel-recap-now-with-pictures

Thanks for the link! I feel MUCH better about Phil’s chances now…

I now have this intro scene in my head:


A man, face out-of-shot or indistinguishable in the fogged mirror, preps for his day. Camera lingers on mirror image of his chest, with a large vertical scar on the left and a matching scar over the left shoulderblade. Man dons shirt, ties necktie, then swipes a towel over the mirror, wiping away the condensation and revealing Agent Phil Coulson.

(cue swooning fangirls :’)


The only problem I foresee with the S.H.I.E.L.D. series is that the fans will have a LOT of leadtime to fanfic their favorite theories, and might be disappointed in the final product!

avengers, coulson, fangirling, marvel, the avengers, joss whedon, nycc, clark gregg, s.h.i.e.l.d.

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