Mmm-mmm, treif!

May 27, 2012 22:37

Last night - between 22:00 and 02:00 - I cooked 18 pounds of pork shoulder for pulled pork. This morning I did the actual separation of meat from fat, and prepared an orange-chipotle barbecue sauce to go with. Then we packed it all - pork, rolls, my sauce and a few commercial sauces for the faint-of-heart (or tender-of-stomach), beer and sodas and ice - into Cap'n Bhil's truck and trooped over to the Brooks' for a Memorial Day T-minus-one get-together. Heather provided some sides, including an excellent mac'n'cheese, and a good time was had by all.

I may have overestimated the amount of meat we'd need... there's about three quarts of pulled pork left over, whatever that translates to in poundage. Good thing we're not afraid of a little treif here.


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