It's a Technicolor Christmas...

Dec 26, 2011 21:48

After a lovely smoked-turkey Christmas dinner, Bhil and I went to the local theater to watch Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Now, I love me some Robert Downey, Jr., and I think he's managed to capture to some extent exactly how difficult a person Holmes would have been to be around, but I don't remember the literary Holmes being quite so ADHD, nor so skilled at mixed martial arts. It has been a good long time since I read the Conan Doyle stories, but I'm sure I would have remembered if kickboxing had been involved...

Also? While I do adore Stephen Fry, I really didn't need to see that much of him. I'm just sayin'.

The plot involves Holmes trying to avert Moriarty's scheme to gain power behind the scenes by bringing the whole world to the brink of war. There are some anachronisms, and Holmes purists will probably not approve of the liberties taken with the character, but otherwise the movie is a fairly amusing romp which will have the non-traditional Holmes/Watson slashers squeeing with joy.


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