General Updatage

Jun 13, 2011 21:55

This weekend was filled with various excursions, though no alarums. Went to my oldest friend's daughter's HS graduation party on Saturday; Cap'n Bhil and I did manage to see "Super 8", which was fun although it felt like Spielberg taking another bite of the "E.T." apple - possibly a bite with worms in it, and none of yer cutesy, cuddly aliens, thankew very much.

I took today off to laze around the old manse and potter about with things that just didn't get done over the weekend. Just as well, the Company That Shall Remain Nameless sent 'round an email on Friday saying they would like all employees to use their outstanding vacation time expeditiously, "to help the balance sheet for Q2".  Something about that just smells of imminent disaster to me - not that it matters in my case, I already know my last day will be July 15. It's nice to be able to stand on the outside and observe the panic for once.  I checked my work email today to discover that the very latest Bigwig added to the CTSRN roster is yet another ex-MDS person. I believe that we are being taken over from the inside, as though by alien parasites. My paranoia knows no bounds...

On the job search front, I have a possible offer from someone I worked with at my last position.  The site is about 40 miles from home (in a place known to a few of my friends as "where dogs go to have sex"), which puts it a good 46 miles closer than my current office, though the commuting time would likely not be a lot shorter due to the execrable roads in Pennsylvania. I go up there this coming Friday to see the facility and chat with my old coworker. He'd like me to start soonest, but I really want my severance package, partly because extra money is nice and I could use the 6 months of paid COBRA, but mostly because I really want the CTSRN to have to PAY to get rid of me!  Maybe we can work something out...

general update

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