Incidental humor

Sep 14, 2009 21:43

So, I'm sitting here in the living room when Deb comes in from her pin-money job - delivering pizzas for Dominos. The college students have returned, and business is up...

"Wow, we were really busy tonight - I guess the new students have figured out their OCMP cards," Deb said as she flopped onto the couch.

Acronyms sometimes baffle me. "OCMP? Obsessive Compulsive Mounted Police?"

Deb avoided spitting Dr. Pepper across the room, but only just. Turns out that "OCMP" stands for "Off-Campus Meal Plan", wherein starving students may order their meals from area restaurants and avoid the dreaded dining hall chow. What a concept! Oh, where were OCMPs when I was in school?


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