Soggy Day of Video

Sep 08, 2008 22:17

Saturday, the rain associated with tropical storm Hanna pretty much kept me inside all day. I'd scurried around battening down the hatches on Friday evening - moving or tying down the lighter stuff that was likely to get blown to the Delaware if the winds were bad, shifting plants inside, or into the carport, making sure the back stairwell drain was clear - so there wasn't a whole lot I had to do on Saturday... so I pottered around and watched videos, mostly.

In a fit of 80's BBC nostalgia, I dragged out my series one DVDs of Robin of Sherwood and watched the first three episodes. Pretty people (well, some of 'em), New-agey philosophy, a fab score by Clannad, completely useless fake armor, Max Headroom's Nickolas Grace as the Sheriff, not very convincing fighting, evil sorcerors in beachfront condos castles, an odd stuffed corduroy stand-in for a dead deer, and oh, hey, was that Ray Winstone as Will Scarlett? Great fun! I'll have to pop in the second disc soon, and keep an eye peeled for series 2 DVDs :-)

After that, it was a couple of episodes of SciFi's 2000 series The Invisible Man, and the pilot episode for the NBC series Life (oh, how I adore Damian Lewis, even without his native accent!)

Last up was X-Men: The Last Stand... not as much fun as the first two films, but almost worth the price of admission just for Kelsey Grammer uttering Beast's "Oh, my stars and garters!" line. Fun to see Ellen Page pre-Juno, too. She made an acceptable Kitty Pryde, and I will happily assign any deficiencies to a script too crowded to make room for decent character development. They introduce and bump off an astonishing number of B.E.M. characters, who never make any impression other than "unwashed and disgruntled". Well, it's a well-known fact that the Marvel Universe afterlife is a revolving door, so I guess you can't count any character dead for good until after the title's cancelled, and maybe not even then.

I did managed to get some house stuff done, and made some progress on some jewelry, so the time wasn't totally unproductive. Hit the sack early - it's hard work, being such a slug!

PS: Oh, and I think I saw the House episode that wrecked media_junkie's day... heck, it had me tearing up at the end!

videos, brain-dead, how i spent my...

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