
Mar 03, 2007 14:19

Ok, it's a week late, but I have the Internet!  Hip Hip Hooray!

And how lucky for me that I got my connection today because now I can announce that I finished Vanity Fair!!!!  I really enjoyed it.  It's not a happy novel.  In fact, it makes me realize how miserable we poor humans are.  Nonetheless, I read it with great pleasure.  I had to laugh at myself towards the end though, when a love thread resolves itself.  It's not romantic.  In fact, it's rather sad that he wasted so many years pining after she who lost a lifetime dedicating herself to a cad.  Whatever, I still ate it up!

What do I read now?

I'm really enjoying living by myself, but it's boring.  Hopefully the weather will improve and I can get out and about more.  This cold nasty wind makes me want to curl up in fuzzy pants and go nowhere.  If only I had a couch!!
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