Mar 10, 2005 09:39
I was skimming through my past entried and I noticed that I haven't really posted a REAL entry about what has been going on lately. I dno't even know if you really care. I just use it has my venting system. I actually don't remeber alot of what has been going on, I can only remeber some of the details. I suppose I'll just start with the first most thing that comes to my head..
First, I'd like to say "I'm sorry" to AJ about his grandmother. It sucks losing someone you love. It's really hard. I hope you feel better. Love You!
Now what.. The whole thing about Katie and I. Well, we did make amends, for a little while at least. But, I knew right when we started being friends again that her being friends with Ashlee too, was going to be a problem. And I think they knew it too! It kind of all started Sunday night. I guess the night before Ashlee was drcing with Katie past 12am and Katie is "suppose" to be off the road AT 12. I guess she was "ONLY going 35 in a 25" (I doubt that) and a cop dude pulled her over. What crack me up about it is she thought that it was because it was two teenage girls in a car and that's why the cop pulled her over. I think NOT because Melissa and I drive around at 2 even and we never got pulled over for looking suspicious. So he car got towed
1) Seeing
2) For having Ashlee in that car. Which may I add she lied about. She's actually starting to lia ALOT! She said Ashlee was her cousin. Obviously that didn't get her out of it. Then her and her AWESOME parents have the never to make Ashlee pay half of the damage in cash. YUH RIGHT! It was Katie's decision to speed, it was Katie's decision to go along with Ashlee and stay out that late, when she KNOWS she's not suppose to, She was the driver! She was the one in control. Dumbass! But, the part that really fuckin' pisses me off is when I was the phone with Ashlee and she told me some of that shit and then told me (ANGER POINT->) Katie's parents said I was using her Saturday ( earlier that day) just for a ride to work because I didn't have my car because I wasn't staying at my house at the time. I was BULLSHIT by that. That is so fucked up. So what do I say, which was dumb on my part because I should of just known that she was going to turn around tell Katie.. I said "I use to drive that FAT ASS EVERYWHERE." It really was in anger and who knows, maybe truth. I can't tell the difference about how I feel about anything and anyone. SO I decided to take it apon myself and see what the fuck was up with her parents fuckin' stoopid ass comment. She was like BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.. Trying to sound innocent or something. If she was, I should tell her "Don't ever consider being an actor." Well, Ashlee wasn't lying this time.. DING. DING. DING.! YEP! Her parents REALLY did say it. So I told her what I though of that. I wanted to actually fuckin' call her parents assholes and they had no right to say that about me. I was really PISSED at the time! After a while we got off the phone ( actually I think we got disconnected) and that was that.. UNTIL about maybe... hmmm... an hour or so later. Ashlee must of called her between the time I got off the phone and when Katie called because she called (I was Melissa's so she asked for me. It doesn't feel weird anymore when people call for me.. Don't know why. BAH! I practically live there!) She started bitching, being a whiney little ass. I wasn't shove my fist through the phone and give a black and blue one. PUH! She basically was being very repititious and reiterated everything like 6 times!
-Why would you say that?
-Why did you say that?
-You must think you're perfect! (HA)
-Why did you have to go that level?
Stoopid shit like that. I was kinda just ladeedahhing the whole time.
I basically told her, really no point in denying it. It'd just cause more controversy. Plus, she already knows I think she's a WEEEEE bit big. She knows everyone does. It's not a fuckin' secret. I told her I said it and she kept asking why and I'd say 'cause I was pissed and she'd say BUT WHY that's no excuse? It's not an excuse that's why I said it. I suppose it was my honest excuse! Guh I hate that bitchy, whiney, "I-act-like-I'm-5-but-I'm-really-16" voice. It's like the equivilent to nails to nails on a chalk board (which, by the way, doesn't bother me. I HATE the SOUND of FORKS of SPOONS in an APPLESAUCE JAR!) ::Shreeks::) Then I was like okay so what? You're not going to forgive me because I said that about you wehn Ashlee talks shit about you all the time. She makes fun of you to her little dudes friends and they make fun of you right back. She's called you fat. Her friends have said it. I just don't think it's very fair that you can continue to be friends with her when she says shit like that about you, but if I say it's totally differant for me. That is LAME. She's LAME. She said that she didn't want anything to get fucked up between her and me and that's exactly what's happening because sh continues to be Ashlees friend. GRRR... So yuh now I haven't talked to Katie since Sunday and I have no intention on it anyway. Also, Ashlee, supposedly, hasn't spoken to her eaither. HAHA.. KATIE WINS BATTLE--LOSES WAR!!
So moving on.. I don't really care about that shit anymore.
If her ignorant parents want to think I used Katie, LET THEM. Because I dorve their daughter EVERYWHERE! Even when we wouldn't be hanging out and she knew I was with Melissa, she'd call me up, just o bring her to LUCKY and home again. That's pretty fucked up. But, she's a hypocrit so.. What can you do?¿ Not talk to her, that's what I can do!! SO I will proceed with this act of FREEDOM OF KATIE! Besides, I see MASSIVE ACCIDENT in future for her. If she got pulled over like the second weekend she had her car (or something like that) things can't be looking up. I was a crappy driver at first, I'm more cautious since my accident, but I'm not as crapalicious as her. And that isn't a GOOD crapilicious either!
Moving on.. I have more things to tell you. Like how I ran away from home at 10:30 this past Saturday and walked more than half way to Bridgewater, then got picked up by the Chessmens Pizza Delivery Boy and went to Marissas.. It'll be interesting to explain. You people may side with my mom, but I deffinatly for once in my life, stood up for what I believe and my right, as a 16 (almost 17 in 17 days!) year old depressed and confused girl/women/child/teen.. etc..
That'll be for next time.. Also, I talk to a couple of new people now-ah-days..
°Chris-Security dude at my work/21 years old/talk every time I go into work.
°Fish a.k.a Joshua Danger Kennedy.. That cute part of that is, that's his REAL NAME! Mark and I find it AWESOMELY SHWEEET! Well, he's nice, not sure how old he is. I know him because he's Michelles Ex-boyfriend and Steve's Ex-enemy. Allz I know is I don't think he's fond of gays. This may cause confrontation. Oh well he's really nice to me and he called me a candy bar..