top 5 OTPs

Jul 19, 2006 12:27

list off your top 5 OTPs and the moment they became your OTP

1. Chloe Sullivan/Clark Kent [Chlark]
Right off the bat, this was my first Smallville OTP. I instantly related to Chloe, her attitude and outlook in life, the snark, the coffee [oh, where would civilisation be without it?!], her dedication to her paper, the relentless pursuit for the truth...I absolutely adored her! Put into the mix her unrequited love for the future Man of Steel, the i'm-in-love-with-my-bestfriend complex, and I might as well be a brunette version of Chloe. And as for my pairing her with Clark, it's not just out of automatically supporting the show's canon. I already have a soft spot for him ever since I was a kid watching VHS tapes of the series. Since in those tapes I was already rooting for him and Lois, I entertained the idea of Chloe transforming into Lois in Metropolis, the "cousins" being like facsimilies of each other's attitudes, making me think the "transformation" possible. Although this isn't so according to the current flow of the show [I never thought I'd use 'flow' and 'show' in the same sentence. *LoL*], I still hold on to the Chloe-as-Lois. And besides, it's with this pairing that my bestfriend [who fancies himself as a Clark] that got me reeeeeeaaaaally interested in the show. So, you like Chloe, having bestfriend like Clark...see the parallels? Um, so, yeah. Chlark. o_0

2. Chloe Sullivan/Lex Luthor [Chlex]
Oh, this one. *pets OTP* This one is the pairing that'll always, ALWAYS rule in my own Smallville universe. Again with Chloe's relentless pursuit for the truth, this puts her within the league of Lex, himself a truthseeker. And it's not just that that they have in common. Their own familial and emotional hangups are some excellent material for their brand of 'verbal judo'. Not to mention having Clark, not always a buffer between them, and his constant reel-you-in-and-then-spit-you-out routine damaging his already weakening links with the two, it's a perfect setup for retribution ala Chlex. Having Lionel or even Lana *shudder* in the mix, try as I might to play the humor or romance card as often as I can when I write fics, the angst trumps the rest. Theirs might not be the perfect relationship, both broken and as vulnerable as they pretend not to be, but it's the closest thing to what a relationship really is. A round of angst, on the house.

3. Clark Kent/Lex Luthor [Clex]
My first Smallville slash pairing! I'm mean, c'mon. Gayest Look of the Season? Who could NOT resist?! But of course it's not just the eye-fuckage that got me sailing on this ship. Consider the inevitable conflict, the constant suspicion, the futile friendship doomed from the many possibilities.

4. Spike/Buffy Summers [Spuffy]
From foe to sorta ally to lover...I think it's the angst that attracted me to shipping these two. I mean, who'd have thought a vampire that'd killed Slayers before would fall for the one person that endangers his existence? Add the fact that said endangerment is your sorta-rival's ex-girlfriend. Angst all around.

5. Lana Lang/Obssessed FOTW
I'm evil, so sue me. ^_^

sv:chloe, chloe:lex, sv:lana, sv:clark, rec:gen, meme:survey, clark:lex, fandom:sv, chloe:clark, sv:lex

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