i dunno why i'm posting this, but yeah, listen up.
i don't mind mentioning and reintroducing my muses in each and every post, but it could get tiring too, y'know. so here's a little primer on my muses...
- Mischa [Meesh-ka] - ah, the current spotlight-hogger. *snerk* she is my head muse and the others don't seem to mind, despite Cassie's seniority [more on this later]. i draw my Chlex inspiration from her, mostly for angst and doomed!, although she does occasionally indulge me with lighthearted and fluffy fics. she's got some primadonna airs which i [stupidly] overlooked in the beginning, but i don't let her get away with it anymore. she knows who's boss [although i sometimes made her believe i'm her slave], is v.proud and preserves her dignity as often as possible but will momentarily slip and unleash all hell when provoked [esp. with Lexana and Princess A-Cup. yech.]. this bitch got some attitude, but will get down to business when i seriously say so. *eyebrowup*
- Cassie [Ka-see] - now this sweet, spunky chick here is my Chlark muse. she's the very first of all the fandom voices in my head, and she knows she's special. although she's been hibernating for god-knows-how-long and Mischa took over even if Cassie does have seniority over her, she doesn't really mind. she's enjoying the Chlark re-interaction this season anyway, so she's sated at the moment. and she knows i'll oblige her the occasional Chlark banter she cooks up. *hugs*
- Evee [Eee-vee] - she's new in here and is still trying to establish her niche. i know my baby is working hard cooking up plots and dialogue, and is quietly yet carefully observing other muses in her selected shipdom, the FineLex. i'm not putting any pressure on her [yet] and is letting her grow and mature on her own. she's got a certain glint in her eyes and i'm not about to stand in the way. *pets*
- Moxie [Mok-see] - and finally, my RL muse. he's as moody as me, and we basically let each other get away with it. no use keeping him on a short leash when he gives me free rein of his vocabulary and is instantly at my side at the faintest call. a thorn among the roses, he doesn't mind [and which guy would?!] all the attention from the other muses, and is pretty happy to stand aside and let them have the spotlight. besides, that makes it easier on him not to have to be the one who deals with me and my fandom rants. XP
each one of them is special and is a favorite in their own way. Mischa, with our little power-play; Cassie, with our old-friends-meet-again interaction; Evee, my little firestarter; and Moxie, newly-named but always had my back right from the start.
*gathers muses into group hug*
*Cassie sighs and hugs tighter*
*Evee hangs on to shirt*
*Moxie wraps arms around waist*
*Mischa rubs up to Moxie*
Mischa! Behave!
ugh. *facepalm*