SV pairings...

Sep 11, 2005 18:47

I like many, many pairings in Smallville, for a myriad of reasons. Some of them contradictory. LOL. And since it's Sunday, my muse isn't working, and I feel like pontificating, I'm going to discuss that. Please please please feel free to agree, disagree, question me, make your own list and point me to it, whatever. I loooove discussion. I'd love for ya'll to give me recs on these pairings. I'm pretty good for Clark/Lex, but the others I'd love.



Oh, it's just so sweet. Chloe's so in love with Clark. And Clark loves her too, even if it's only as a friend. He loves her. It also probably has an awful lot to do with the fact that I am head over heels in love with Chloe. I just fucking adore her. And not only does she love Clark, but she's such a good friend to him. Yes, there was that time that she made a deal with the devil (read: Lionel) but she never did feed him info on Clark. She almost did in Truth, but. I don't know. I can forgive Chlo. It's just that puppy love, that unrequited love, that best-friends-first love. It's always been my weakness.

And now, Chloe knows his secret, because of Alicia (Aleesha? Alesha? Fuck it), and because of when he had his memory wiped. And I'm still not clear on whether or not Clark knows for sure that she knows for sure, but... He wants to tell her. You can see the yearning in him to tell someone, and he's at least in tune enough to know that she THINKS she knows SOMETHING, and I can see him feeling comfortable enough to eventually come out to her about it. And him being able to share that with her, even if that never becomes a sexual/girlfriendy relationship, will be lovely to see.


Come on man. It's all in the verbal judo. I love that Lex said that to her, because that is the perfect way to describe their dichotomy. There's several layers to why I love Lex/Chloe. Moreso than Clark/Chloe, even, and my Chlark-love is high. And it's probably because I love the pairing in so many permeatations.

On the good side, the light side, they just fit to me in my head. The snark, the intelligence, the love of knowledge, the word usage (they both use big words), in insatiable need to figure shit out. They both no longer have a mother, and I've always thought (since seeing Memoria) that Lex's mother was more than a little insane, so now that we k now Chloe's mother is insane, they kind of share that too. Plus Chloe helped Lex get Lionel in jail, and Lex protected her for three months when she had no one else... there's so much to play with there, with that much of a connection... regardless of whether or not the show remembers that (was there ANY Chloe/Lex scenage in season 4? cause dude, 3 months alone save for her father and Lex)

Then there's the unhealthy side. The dark side. The Chloe is in love with Clark and she'll never have him, and Lex will never have Clark the way he wants him (either, as somone that trusts him enough to tell him his secrets, or in the slash sense) and so they turn to each other. And then there's the fact that Chloe knows Clark's secret, and no matter if she's with Lex out of love or out of desperation or out of some sex thing, she will NEVER tell him Clark's secret. I don't doubt that. She would not tell him. I just don't see her ever ever doing that, no matter how much Clark hurts her by always choosing Lana.


This is a shock to me. I did not expect to like this pairing. But, I'm very limited on the ways I'd like it. I hate Lana, I just... God Jesus Christ, she bores me. She comes on the screen and I roll my eyes and groan. Except... Except when it's with Lex. And maybe that's because she's different around him, maybe that's because Kristin is a better actress when paired with Rosenbaum, or maybe it's just cause Rosenbaum is so fuckin' good that he makes everyone look good.

But if I get puppies and teddy bears Lex/Lana, I will puke.

No, what I want from them is unhealthy, sick, twisted, self-destructive. Lana, tired of waiting for Clark to trust her, Lex completely alienated from Clark and incredibly bitter about it. Lana always in love with Clark, and Lex not completely in love with Lana except that he WANTS to be. Lex being hurt by Lana's inability to love him, even though he's not in love with her. Or, even if he is, that's good too. And it's not that I don't think Lana could love Lex, just... not as much as she loves Clark. The dead end, no where to turn, no hope, kind of relationship. Doomed before it even started. THAT'S the kind of Lex/Lana relationship I'm for. Horribly sadistic of me, isn't it? LOL.


I actually liked this pairing... at first. I liked that we got to see a snarky side of Lana. I like Lana as snarky, she's good at it. Sarcastic Lana is my friend. Sweet innocent boring as fuck run of the mill Lana makes me want to shove a fork in my eye. And at first, until his mother came to town, Jason brought that out of her. But it all went to hell when Genevieve came to town. But I am completely uninterested in reading about it. LOL.


No. Just, no.


Aw, Pete, I miss you. You deserved way better than what they gave you, baby. I was into this pairing, and still would be, in a "isn't it sweet" kind of way. I'm not that interested in reading about it, except for the lovely snark that Pete had and that Chloe also has. So, a funny Chloe/Pete would be fun for me to read, but I'm not really "turned on" by it, or whatever. I just like the pairing cause it's sweet and innocent and just pretty.

Clark/Alicia(fuck her spelling, I don't damn know it)

I loved this pairing, and fuck you, powers that be, for killing it. Quite literally. She was gorgeous, and cute, and funny, and Clark could be honest with her. She was fucked up, yes, but that just made her funner for me. I liked her in all three eps she was in, and I liked the way Clark was with her. Damnit.

Lex/Martha and Lionel/Martha

It's so wrong, but I love the whole Mother parallel. I'm only interested in the unrequited. Maybe fantasy. Lex just wanting to be loved, to have a mother again, and Martha just radiates motherhood. She radiates love. I full on believe he loves her, whether he admits it to himself or not. And Martha has a soft spot for him. Even after the shit that's gone down. But, the actuality of it? I don't thik I'd be interested in that. Because I just don't buy that Martha would cheat on Jonathon with Lex.

I don't buy she'd cheat on him with anyone, but if it were anyone, it wouldn't be Lex... it would be Lionel, who would seduce her. Because Lionel represents what her life could have been, back when she was a Metropolis girl herself. And even then, it would be her running away before the actual sex happened, because she'd finally snap back into place. I just. I don't see her cheating on Jonathon, damnit.


I'm completely uninterested in reading a romantic fic about them, but give me angst or funny, and I'll love you forever. These guys aren't fic'd like, at all, and if they are I've missed them. I love both of them, and I love them together. I don't want to read the sex, but the other shit, yeah. The worry about Clark. Maybe a nice uneventful Sunday afternoon where they're just relaxing and talking, reminiscing, etc? Yeah. I'd love to read that.

ETA: Clark/Lois

nofantasy mentioned that she loved Clois, and I realized I'd forgotten. Me too! I love a funny Clark, ad Clark's perpetual annoyedness with Lois, and Lois' baiting of him, is just pure gold for me. I loooooove Clois. Plus, that's eventual canon! LOL.



Do I even need to explain this? But I do love it. On all levels. Clark as Lex's salvation. Lex as Clark's teacher/debaucher. Clark's betrayal of Lex, Lex's betrayal of Clark. Everything. The good, the bad, the ugly, the everything. I love it, every single fucking step. The friendship, the love, the never-ending of it. Because even after they hate each other, even after it all falls apart, I believe there will always be a part of them that loves each other, and I'm not even talking about the slashy bits. All homoerotic undertones aside, Lex loves Clark more than just about anyone, and Clark loves Lex too.

Clark/Jason & Clark/Whitney

I kind of put these in the same category in my head. They're both about not being able to have what you want. Neither of them will replace Clark in Lana's heart (or whatever, I hate the Clark/Lana thing, but canon is that they love each other, so I'm willing to work with that) and Clark can't have her. Plus, I really really really liked Whitney an awful lot late season 1, and Jason's fuckin' hot and I really like him too. Not as much as Whitney though. Whitney really, really won me over. Jason's mostly hot and he gives good snark. I'm looking forward to seeing Jensen Ackles in that new show... what is it? Paranormal? Supernatural? Something.


Mmm. A VERY close second to Clark/Lex, and that's a shame because NO ONE writes this pairing. I've read two stories, and one of them was written for my birthday! LOL. (It was lovely, I love you bitchygrrl) Wait, there's another one... Saachi!Lex or something? I'll have to find it again, but I started reading it and liked it.

But oh. Oh, this appeals to my lover-of-dark-things side. They're just so... they're from the same fabric. Rich parents, the upper elite, the high society. Both rebellious in their own way. Both trying to get out from under their parents respective seductions. Lionel with his "make me love you, son, you disappint me so" morsel that he dangles in front of Lex every chance he gets, and Genevieve and her... well dudes, I'm sorry, but if that's not canonical incest I'll eat my fuckin' shoe.

They both hate/love their parents, want them to love them, want them to leave them the fuck alone, want them out of their lives, want them more in their lives. It's sick and it's twisted, and no one will understand Lex better than Jason, no one will understand Jason better than Lex. And it's hot. Hot, hot, hot. Very, very close second to Lex/Clark for me. If not tied.


I don't know. I don't know who started that, or if it's just because I dug Adam, and I want to pair Lex with EVERYONE. LOL. It's also got a certain appeal in that Adam-as-replacement-for-Clark way.


It's the blood thing, man. I know that sounds twisted, but... there's something sexy about the theory that Adam NEEDS Clark to live. And it plays on Clark's guilt complex. And also, it's just pretty, damnit. They're both so god damned pretty!


I know, I know, I'm sick for this. Does it make it better if I'm really only interested in the implied? In the subtext, the alluded to? Cause I don't really want to see it, ya know? But... the implications are there. That whole "this is the only way he'll ever love me" thing. God, it gives me the shivers, and it's so sick and twisted, and really, it mostly appeals to the lover of psychological fucked up-ness in me, not neccessarily a kink of mine... but... Oh, gosh, ya know, hell. I'm sorry, I find the both of them so sexy, I can't say i'm opposed. LOL. John Glover, with his sophistocated, theatre trained, tony-award-winning aristocratic persona, and Rosenbaum with his pure sex-ness... I'm sorry. I'm sick, I know. It's just fandom though! Not real life!


Didn't see this one coming. Did not. Someone suggested it when I was on my "dirty!wrong fest" kick, and I didn't know I'd find it sexy til I wrote it, and damn... that whole angry/passionate thing? Works there. Hardcore. Yes it does. LOL. I could also see it working in the same way for Jonathon/Lionel, but... I just, no. I don't think I'll read that pairing. And maybe that's just self-preservation... I already have enough pairings, damnit!


In the same, implied only, subtext only, seduction with no follow through way I'm interested in Lex/Lionel. Lionel trying to seduce Clark, and Clark maybe even being turned on by it, but NEVER EVER following up on that. Unless on the Red K. Cause on the Red K, Clark with ANYBODY is on the table. LOL.

ETA: Lex/Bruce Wayne!

I am so totally, unbelievably into Lex/Bruce. How did I leave this off? I don't even know why, but I've read a few, and I'm so totally into it. Plus, I've had a crush on Batman/Bruce for FOREVER. And he will always be Michael Keaton in my eyes, I don't care how good Christina Bale is/was in the movie, which I still haven't seen. And no, I don't doubt he's wonderful in it, it's just Keaton's been Batman for me since I was 10 or whatever, and he always will be.



chlark is my first love, chlex is my ULTIMATE ship,lexana is just WRONG except if context is dark, angsty and involves chloe in anyway, jason/lana could've worked but *shrug* the writers sunk that ship,
clana is pretty much canon but that doesn't mean i have to like their monopoly of screentime, chlete would've been sweet but they sent him away so *shrug*, calicia/kalicia [yep, your spelling is right] would've been incredible if only the writers explored that pairing, sorry i just can't imagine lex/martha, although lionel/martha would've been more feasible seeing as the writers hinted at it during season2, martha/jonathan is canon and i like it,
clex is HAWWWWTT!!! i never thought i'd read or even conjure up plot bunnies in the slash genre. and clex is my main slash ship. clason and clitney might be a bit awkward at first, what with lana as their common denominator, but they'd probably dump lana and get it on with each other or in a menage a trois [oh the look on lana's face would be priceless! *rofl*], lexason and lexadam are viable although i can't see a somewhat definite plot device for them, i couldn't see the angle on how lex/lionel and lex/jonathan could work but maybe a few fics of them would convince me, and lastly, clionel could definitely work.

fandom:sv, something, chloe:lex, wtf, plot-bunnies, meta:life

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