another from A Lover's Confession
Contributed by fire (Edited by alteredbeast)
Thursday, October 23, 2003 @ 11:43:57 PM (read 599 times)
Will I love you as a lover should?
I mean to be your lover if that’s what it takes to be in your company so I tried hard to love you like a perfect lover would. I reciprocated the affection you generously show me. I gave you what you need in a relationship. I cared for you the way you care me. I tried everything just to be with you and I would have passed to be the perfect lover expect for one thing: I have never loved you the way a lover should.
I lied. Every moment was a challenge not to reveal the truth. I lied because I do not want to live life without you. I cheated myself in believing that I can eventually love you the way you expect me to. I deceived you because the truth is, I am afraid to lose you.
I have never loved you like you expect me to because my love for you goes beyond expectations. I love you more than I should. I submitted myself to your ideas on how we should draw boundaries on our emotions when all I ever wanted to do is to give you love without reservation. The only way I know to love is to love with all my being. To love you less than what my heart dictates is to deceive you and myself. I cannot forever disguise as a lover who only loves for the moment to live because I, on the contrary, live only to love you. It need not matter if you love me less or if you love me at all, the only thing I ask of our relationship is for you to give me the chance to love you my way --- no restrictions, no reservations.
i like this. for some reason.
and this, too:
"... Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful..."
... yun na.