Dusting off the keyboard

Dec 02, 2012 19:39

It's seem odd in some respects to want to start a post in your online blog thing which apologises for not posting for a while. In the olden days I didn't start diary entries with an apology - although to be fair they usually lasted a few months and were then forgotten. Anyway, I'm sorry, I've been a bit absent but I have been reading and trying to keep up with more diligent livejournalers than me!

The year is flying past at an alarming speed and we seem to have landed in December already without much to say for myself for the past eleven months. Headaches mostly - it feels like that at least. Headaches and work and some science fiction meet-ups to keep me sane.

We've got minus temperatures again and ice and hibernation is looking good. There are Christmas cards to write and remember to post and suddenly time is eaten up again. The first of the Easter egg displays has appeared in our local shop so bring on next year already!!
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